Can We Know God Exists?
- Consider the alternative- Atheism
- No moral standards- we are nothing more than animals
- We may kill one another at will, no such thing as murder (murder implies innocence)
- We may take another's possessions, provided we are strong enough or clever enough to keep it (stealing implies wrongdoing- a moral judgement)
- Unrestricted sexual freedom: homosexuality, bestiality, pedophilia, (no rape - moral implications) I may force myself sexually on anyone I am strong enough to subdue.
- We are so far above the animal world it defies articulation.
- the dolphin is not the smartest creature on earth- Flipper Memorial Hospital?
- Ever seen dogs hold a funeral service for "Road-kill Rover?"
- Atheism's explanation for the universe- evolutionary theory
- Since the turn of the century, the universe has doubled in age every 20 years.
- Darwin figured the earth to be 20 million years old in the mid-1800's.
- today- some estimate the universe at 15-20 Billion years old
- some evolutionists' statements regarding the age of the earth.
- Contrary to popular belief, evolutionary theory does not even qualify as science. In fact, it contradicts known LAWS of science.
- 1st Law of Thermodynamics: energy and matter are constant- energy and matter are being neither created nor destroyed. (They may change form)
- 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: without an outside energy source, entropy occurs
- If atheism be true
- the universe created itself out of nothing. Or . . .
- It has always existed. The universe had no beginning (the universe is God)
- neither proposal is scientific or acceptable due to the laws of science
- Logical Proofs of God's Existence
- Cosmological Proofs (Cause & Effect) for every effect there is an equal and adequate cause
- How did this building get here? Did a B-52 drop the materials into place from 30k ft?
- Ever watch a building implode? Caused by mice sneezing from sniffing pepper?
- Ever hear of a print shop explosion producing a set of encyclopedias?
- Then how could "scientists" theorize that an explosion produced the universe?
- Teleological Proofs (Tracing design back to a designer)
- Is there design in the universe that points back to a great designer?
- Sun is 93 million miles from the earth- just right (10% > Or < either way = disaster)
- The moon is 238,000 miles from the earth and controls the tides (20% closer and you get 35 - 50 tidal waves covering most of the globe.
- Did you know the earth circles the sun in a straight line? Deviating from a straight line only 1/9 inch every 18 miles?
- Atmosphere is 78% N, 21% O, .9% Ar, and .1% H, He, Xe, and Ne = just right
- Did all of this happen by a giant accidental explosion? If faith is belief in the absence of evidence, I don't have enough faith to be an atheist!
- Physical Proofs
- Meteor fragments only in the upper strata.
- Sun is shrinking at the rate of .1% every 100 years. Assuming a constant rate of decay, the sun would have been twice its present size only 250,000 years ago, and would have been touching the earth 20 million years ago, yet "scientists" say dinosaurs were roaming the earth over 40 million years ago!
- Moral Proofs (sense of right and wrong not found in animals)
- Upon what grounds were Hitler's accomplices tried and convicted? Moral laws!
- If atheism and evolution be true, then there are no grounds for laws or law enforcement
- When an atheist points to the problem of evil in the world, he admits to the existence of God, for how can he KNOW evil exists? Animals don't think in terms of right and wrong, better or worse. Ask an atheist, "How do you determine that evil exists, according to what standard are you making that judgement?"
- The Bible gives testimony to the existence of God
- Written by 40 men of differing backgrounds, education, and occupations over a period of 1600 years, its continuity of theme and facts is nothing short of miraculous.
- It is scientifically accurate: no provable scientific fact contradicts the Bible.
- It teaches the 1st Law of Thermodynamics in Ecc. 3:14-15 (conservation of energy)
- It teaches the water cycle in Ecclesiastes 1:7
- It disproves spontaneous generation in Genesis 1:20-25
- It teaches the rotundity of the Earth in Isaiah 40:22 and Luke 17:31-34
- It teaches the innumerability of the stars in Jeremiah 33:22
- It inspired Matthew Fountaine Maury to chart "the paths of the seas" of Psalm 8:8
- Its prophetic accuracy confirms the Bible's inspiration
- Joshua 6:26 = 1 Kings 16:34 the curse of Jericho (400 years b/w the texts)
- Isaiah 44:28 Cyrus not born until 150 years after Isaiah was written
- Ezekiel 26:3-14 the curse against Tyre (Tyrus)
- Ezekiel was taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar while crushing a Jewish revolt.
- Nebuchadnezzar sieged Tyre for 13 years (585 - 573 B.C.)
- Nebuchadnezzar finally broke through and pillaged the mainland city, but the inhabitants of Tyre had built anew city on an island offshore.
- Alexander the Great came in 332 B.C. and finished the prophecy by scraping the old city into the sea to make a land bridge to the island city.
- To this day, the city has never been rebuilt on its original foundation.
- Our faith in God and His Word is based on proven and irrefutable testimony! Psalm 46:10
- Exodus 3-4 Moses spoke the words and did the signs and the people believed
- 1 Kings 18:36-39 Elijah & the prophets of Baal- "let the people know that thou art God"
- Hebrews 11:1 faith is built on substance and evidence