Coal, Oil, And Dinosaurs
- Dinosaurs in the Bible
- The Behemoth- Job 40:15-24
- Webster: A gigantic creature
- A hippopotamus or an elephant? Ever seen their tails? Not exactly cedar-like!
- Neither is chief in the ways of God.
- A Seismosauraus? 40 feet tall & 110 tons
- The Leviathan- Job 41:1-34
- Job 41:1-2 unable to apprehend him
- Job 41:7-10 unable to kill him
- Job 41:14-17 his scales are inpenatrable
- Job 41:18-21 fire comes from his mouth and smoke from his nostrils. . . NOW WAIT JUST A MINUTE! DO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME. . .
- Have you ever seen:
- A burning bush that was not consumed?
- Two men hold up another's arms and the sun fail to set?
- A child born of a virgin?
- A man raised from the dead after four days?
- A man raise himself from the dead after three days?
- Have you ever heard of:
- The trap-door spider?
- The bombadere beetle?
- A lightning bug? Bioluminescence
- Exodus 20:11 "For in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth, the sea, and all that in them is. . ."
- Why Do We Find this so Hard to Believe?
- 1940's Dr. Samuel Hubbard explored the Havasupai region of the Grand Canyon looking for artifacts.
- He found many artifacts as well as cave drawings of cattle, sheep, oxen, dinosaurs, buffalo, horses. . .
- "The proportions are good." Even the tracks were found nearby. How could they have drawn something they had never seen nor heard of?
- June 1968 Antelope Springs UT Albert Meister looking for trilobites which are supposed to have been 400 million years old and extinct since 250 million years ago.
- Found them- imbedded in a human footprint- wearing a sandal
- Researchers reported the sandal had worn evenly on the outside
- 1970's Albert Ingle- KY coal mine exploration-
- human footprints embedded in coal
- Similar findings in VA, WV, IN, MO, Rocky Mtns.
- 'I can't explain it except to say it isn't true. Men didn't live that far back.'
- A steel-tipped hammer found in coal, the wood handle had already begun to turn to coal.
- Ruby Falls- Chattanooga, TN stalagtites & stalagmites 20 million years old 1 inch every 100,000 years. Philadelphia, PA National museum had stalagtities 2 ½ feet tall 2-3 million years old?