Evidences Of A Young Earth
Did you know that for the last century, evolutionists' estimation of the age of the universe has doubled every 20 years? In the 19th century, the earth was estimated to be between 3 million and 1.6 billion years old. In the 1950's it was around 2 billion years old. In 1991, it was 4.5 -5 billion years old. In 1995, it was 8-12 billion years old. And in 1996, it has been estimated to be 15-20 billion years old.
How old is the earth? Does the Bible have anything to say about the age of the universe? The answer is that the earht is relatively young (compared to being billions of years old), and yes, the Bible does have something to say about the age the universe.
How old is the earth? Does the Bible have anything to say about the age of the universe? The answer is that the earht is relatively young (compared to being billions of years old), and yes, the Bible does have something to say about the age the universe.
- The Scriptures:
- "In the beginning . . ."
- The Genealogy of Christ: "it is evident that our Lord hath spring out of Judah" Heb. 7:14
- Adam was the first man (I Cor. 15:45)
- Luke 3:23-38 traces the lineage of Jesus back to Adam.
- Gaps in the genealogies:
- Zerehiah to Amariah includes 4 names in Ezra 7, but contains 10 names in I Chr. 6.
- Levi to Moses includes only 4 names in Exodus 6, but a genealogy of Joseph to Joshua (Covering approximately the time span) in I Chr. 7 includes 11 names. (About 300 years)
- The Admissions of Evolutionists and Dating Technique Assumptions:
- See Wayne Jackson's Creation, Evolution, and the Age of the Earth pp.5-6
- Dating Assumptions of radioactive decay from U-238 into Pb-206 (parent to daughter)
- There was no Lead-206 in the rock at its formation.
- The decay process takes place in a closed system.
- The decay rate remains constant from the beginning.
- Assumption problems:
- Why assume that all lead is the result of the decay process?
- Mounting evidence shows that parent and daughter elements can migrate through rock.
- Evidence shows that decay rates are not immune to environmental influences and can be altered significantly, especially in the presence of a global disaster. Evolutionist Frederick Jueneman admitted the very same in June, 1982.
- Recent Dating Technique Results:
- In Nigeria, the same rock was dated by 4 techniques and revealed an age span of 2 million to 750 million years old.
- Studies of rocks known to be less than 200 years old dated them at a range from 160 million years to 3 billion years. (Rhonda stepping on the scales and seeing a reading of 750,000 tons, she might correctly assume that her scales are not accurate!)
- "In conventional interpretation of potassium-argon age data, it is common to discard ages which are substantially too high or too low compared with the rest of the group or with other available data such as the geologic time scale. Discrepancies between accepted and rejected are arbitrarily attributed to excess or loss of argon."
- Carbon-14 invented by W.F. Libby b/w 1945-59. Libby was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery, but warned people that ancient ages are not exactly known. (He spoke of ages quoted as being 20,000 years or more.) It is generally conceded that C-14 dates in excess of 3000 years are not reliable.
- Living mollusks have been dated at 2300 years.
- Freshly killed seals have been dated at 1300 years.
- Muscle tissue from a frozen musk ox revealed an age of 24,000 years, while hair taken from the same ox revealed an age of 7200 years. The ox wandered around bald for 16,800 years then grew hair!
- Historical Evidence:
- Known Cultures:
- The earliest confirmed historical date goes only back to the 1st Egyptian dynasty. (Libby)
- 1870 B.C. (+ or - 6) is the earliest confirmed date in human history. (Rainey)
- The earliest known civilization is the ancient Sumarians of 3500 B.C. while the Egyptian culture can be traced to 3000 B.C. (Jackson)
- Demographics:
- If it could be assumed that a generation covered approx. 35 years, and each family had 3 children, the present population of the earth could be accounted for in only 52 generations or 1,820 years (about the time of Christ).
- At that rate, in 1 million years the earth would be inhabited by 1 X 10/5000th power humans. (Now try to calculate a figure for 3 million years!)
- Physical evidence:
- Meteor fragments:
- Billions of meteors enter the earth's atmosphere each year, yet the majority burn up 50 miles before striking the earth's surface and settle to the earth in the form of meteoric dust. But some have weighed more than 60 tons.
- All evidence of meteor strikes are found in the upper strata of the earth's crust. If the earth is billions of years old, there should be some evidence of similar strikes in the lower strata; there is none.
- The Sun: It is a known fact that the sun continues to shrink at a rate of .1% per century (about 5 feet per hour) If these rates are constant, and you count backward in time, the sun must increase in size. If you go back 100,000 years, the sun would be twice its present size. Those cave men must have really had a savage tan! If you go back 20 million years, the sun would be touching the earth! According to evolutionary scientists, the dinosaurs had been roaming the earth for 40 million years at that time.
- The Moon: Most evolutionist agree that the moon and the earth were created at about the same time. (That's something we can all agree on!) However, the same meteoric dust that lands on the earth also lands on the moon at rates estimated between 14 -50 tons annually. In 1959, Renowned evolutionist Isaac Asimov predicted that the meteoric dust buildup on the moon would be at least 50 feet deep. In fact, before the first moon landing, many scientists feared that the space craft would sink into the dust and never be heard from again. As we all have seen and remember, the foot print of the astronauts on the moon were only a very few inches deep. The moon is young.