Two Fathers, Four Questions
- Where am I LOOKING?
- Lot looked to the plain of Jordan - Genesis 13:10-11
- Abraham looked where God told him to look - Genesis 13:14-15
- In this instance, "looking" is directly connected to PLANNING for the FUTURE.
- What are your plans for your children? Do you have dreams, goals, aspirations for them? (college education, perhaps becoming a doctor, nurse, lawyer, or whatever it is that you do?) Are you making plans to help these dreams become a reality?
- Do you have any spiritual goals for your children? (become a Christian, get a Christian education, find a faithful Christian mate, become a deacon/elder/preacher/missionary, or to marry one of that caliber?) What are you doing to make this a reality?
- Where am I LIVING?
- Lot lived in Sodom amidst the wicked cities of the plain: Genesis 13:12b-13; 18:20-33 (10 righteous could not be found - 19:12-13). Lot lived among the Sodomites even though their filthy conduct vexed his righteous soul from day to day - 2 Peter 2:7-8
- Abraham lived in the land of promise: Genesis 12:1, 6-8; 13:1-4, 12, 18
- What does my lifestyle say about my priorities- Matthew 6:19-24? What do my recreational activities say about my commitment to God and the church?
- Where am I LEADING?
- When the time came for Lot to lead his family to safety, he could not do so: Genesis 19:12, 14-16 (cf. Genesis 19:17 = Luke 17:32)
- Abraham twice led Sarah to call herself his sister (Gen 12:11-13; 20:1-3), and he led Isaac to the altar of sacrifice (Gen 22:1-10).
- Where am I leading my wife? - Ephesians 5:23, 25, 28-29; my children? Ephesians 6:3-4; myself? Titus 2:6-8
- What is my LEGACY?
- Lot's two daughters got him drunk and each bare a child (Genesis 19:30-38). These children were the fathers of two wicked nations - the Moabites and Ammonites. Both were the enemies of the Jews (God's people) during their history.
- Abraham left a legacy of a faithful child who loved God and whose grandchild gave birth to the 12 tribes of Israel. God repeated His covenant with Abraham to Isaac and Jacob. "The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob." All 3 are mentioned in Hebrews 11.
- What will I leave as my legacy? A big bank account? Property & earthly goods? What about a good name? (Prov 22:1). Am I raising children who are or will be a blessing to the church? Children who love the church and contribute to its growth? Or will I raise children who disrespect the authority of the elders, trouble the church, and speak ill of her and her members at every turn? The choice is yours.