In Case Of Rapture, The Bible Will Be Wrong
Most dispensational millenialists use passages from the books of Daniel, Exekiel, and Revelation in support of their doctrine. The passages to which they often refer are highly symbolic and apocalyptic. That is, the texts use symbols and figures to represent spiritual concepts. Admittedly, many of these symbols and images are difficult to decipher. Keep in mind that the Bible is one large book composed of 66 smaller books. "God is not the author of confusion" (1 Cor. 14:40). Therefore, the Bible is uniform and consistent in its teaching throughout.
One of the most basic principles of interpretation is to interpret the difficult passages in light of those easily understood. This method of interpretation applies to the Bible or any other document or concept. For example, when one learns to do mathematics, he must first learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (usually in that order) before moving on to algebra, geometry, etc. All higher math must agree with the rudiments of mathematics. Unfortunately, many millennialists twist and contort difficult passages and make them teach something in direct opposition to easily understood scriptures.
The main points of this outline are the most common beliefs in the millennial system. Although every millennialist may not be in agreement on every point, the following summarization would garner the support of most millennialists. Therefore, by refuting the foundation principles of premillennialism, we refute the entire system without having to address the minute details.
Most dispensational millenialists use passages from the books of Daniel, Exekiel, and Revelation in support of their doctrine. The passages to which they often refer are highly symbolic and apocalyptic. That is, the texts use symbols and figures to represent spiritual concepts. Admittedly, many of these symbols and images are difficult to decipher. Keep in mind that the Bible is one large book composed of 66 smaller books. "God is not the author of confusion" (1 Cor. 14:40). Therefore, the Bible is uniform and consistent in its teaching throughout.
One of the most basic principles of interpretation is to interpret the difficult passages in light of those easily understood. This method of interpretation applies to the Bible or any other document or concept. For example, when one learns to do mathematics, he must first learn addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (usually in that order) before moving on to algebra, geometry, etc. All higher math must agree with the rudiments of mathematics. Unfortunately, many millennialists twist and contort difficult passages and make them teach something in direct opposition to easily understood scriptures.
The main points of this outline are the most common beliefs in the millennial system. Although every millennialist may not be in agreement on every point, the following summarization would garner the support of most millennialists. Therefore, by refuting the foundation principles of premillennialism, we refute the entire system without having to address the minute details.
- Initially, Jesus came to the earth to establish an earthly kingdom in Judah, was stopped by the Jews, and set up the church instead until he came again.
- There will be a secret "catching away" of the saints, both living and dead, before "the tribulation". This is commonly refered to as "the rapture".
- The tribulation will last approximately 7 years, during which time the Jews will begin to rebuild the temple. The Jews will also enter into a 7-year agreement with "the Anti-christ". After 3 1/2 years, "the Antichrist" will be revealed, at which time he will stop the daily sacrifice and set up his own image in the temple.
- During this time, Jerusalem will be trodden under foot, nations will unite against the city and overcome it. Great suffering will occur and many will be carried into captivity; those remaining will turn to Christ. When the kings of Earth gather to battle against the Christians, Jesus will descend with the saints to deliver the faithful and destroy the enemy. Thus ends the tribulation and the power of the Antichrist.
- Tribulation martyrs are raised to reign with Jesus and the other saints for 1000 years, during which time Jesus will sit on the throne of David, having established his earthly kingdom in Jerusalem.
- The tribes of Israel are restored and the Lord makes a new covenant with them. The temple will be completely rebuilt with Levitical sacrifices re-established and continued throughout the 1000 year reign.
- After 1000 years- the final judgment will take place.
- Initially, Jesus came to the earth to establish an earthly kingdom in Judah, was rejected by the Jews, and set up the church instead until he came again. (Millenialists view the church as a "Plan B.")
- John 18:36 Jesus was no threat to Caesar (Eph. 6:17; Micah 4:2)
- Ephesians 3:9-11 purpose and design of the church was eternal, not secondary.
- There will be a secret "catching away" of the saints, both living and dead, before "the tribulation." This catching away is commonly refered to as "the rapture."
- John 5:28-29 ALL the dead shall be raised the same day
- John 6:40 ALL believers will be raised the last day (not 1007 years before the last day)
- Revelation 1:9 John was a companion in the tribulation (present tense)
- I Thessalonians 4:15-17 ALL the saints raised at the last day, the dead in Christ first.
- "rapture" a non-biblical term which cannot be found in fact or in principle in the Scriptures.
- The tribulation will last approximately 7 years, during which time the Jews will begin to rebuild the temple. The Jews will also enter into a 7-year agreement with "the Anti-christ". After 3 1/2 years, "the Antichrist" will be revealed, at which time he will stop the daily sacrifice and set up his own image in the temple.
- Acts 14:22 entrance into the kingdom with tribulation, not after or apart from it.
- Revelation 1:9 John a companion with 7 churches of Asia in tribulation
- the Antichrist?
- I John 2:18,22 MANY anti-Christs already present = a signal of the "last days"
- I John 4:4 "ye have overcome THEM"
- During this time, Jerusalem will be trodden under foot, nations will unite against the city and overcome it. Great suffering will occur and many will be carried into captivity; those remaining will turn to Christ. When the kings of Earth gather to battle against the Christians, Jesus will descend with the saints to deliver the faithful and destroy the enemy. Thus ends the tribulation and the power of the Antichrist.
- Ephesians 6:10-17 Christians not fighting against flesh and blood, but spiritual wickedness
- II Peter 3:10-11 When Jesus comes again, the universe shall be dissolved
- Tribulation martyrs are raised to reign with Jesus and the other saints for 1000 years, during which time Jesus will sit on the throne of David, having established his earthly kingdom in Jerusalem.
- John 18:36 my kingdom is not of this world
- Jeremiah 22:28-30 no descendant of Coniah shall reign in Judah, sitting on the throne of David
- Matthew 1:11 Jesus is a descendant of Jeconiah = Coniah
- Acts 2:29-31 Jesus sitting on the throne of David = resurrection from the dead
- The tribes of Israel are restored and the Lord makes a new covenant with them. The temple will be rebuilt with Levitical sacrifices re-established and continued throughout the 1000 year reign.
- Joshua 21:43-45 all promises to Israel fulfilled
- Galatians 3
- things spiritual (i.e. of Christ) not made complete by the flesh (the old law) vv. 2-3
- justification comes through Christ, who redeemed us from the curse of the old law vv. 10-14
- Hebrews 8:6-13 why would Jesus re-establish an imperfect, faulty law which he came to abolish?
- After 1000 years- the final judgment will take place.
- Matt. 25:31-34,41 BOTH the righteous and the wicked shall be judged at his coming
- John 5:28-29 ALL the dead will be raised together for the judgment
- Other considerations:
- This theory denies the authority of Christ: Matthew 28:18
- This theory denigrates the importance of the church
- Acts 2:47 the saved are added to the church by the Lord
- Acts 20:28 the church was purchased with the blood of Jesus Christ
- Ephesians 5:
- Christ is the head of the church and saviour of the body- v. 23
- Christ gave himself for the church- v. 25
- Christ nourishes and cherishes the church- v. 29
- This theory denies that the kingdom is the church
- Matthew 4:17, Mark 12:34, Luke 10:9-11 kingdom is nigh or close at hand
- Matthew 16:28, Mark 9:1- some would see it established
- Matthew 16:18-19; Matthew 18:18 If the kingdom was not close to being established, why did Jesus give Peter and the other apostles the keys to it?
- From Matthew 1 to Acts 2, the kingdom is always spoken of in the future tense. After Acts 2, it is spoken of in the past tense. Thus, the kingdom was established in Acts 2 = the church (v. 47).
- Some were already in the kingdom in the first century:
- Paul: Acts 28:23 testified of it, not prophesied of it
- Paul: has translated us into the kingdom- past tense Colossians 1:13
- John: a companion in the kingdom- Revelation 1:9
- the Hebrews: receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved- Hebrews 12:28