Will You Give It Up?
A little girl went with her mother to the grocery store and she constantly wanted something. The mother kept going up and down the aisles selecting the groceries she needed. When she was ready to check out the little girl noticed an inexpensive imitation pearl necklace and wanted it. The mother told her she could save her money and with her birthday coming soon maybe she could have the necklace. Jenny worked for money by doing extra work plus her allowance. Finally, she had enough money to buy the necklace and was she happy. Her father loved Jenny very much. Each night he read her a story from the bible and kissed her good night. One night he asked Jenny if she loved him, and she said, "Yes, daddy, you know I love you." Then will you give me your pearl necklace? Oh, no, please daddy not my necklace. You can have any of my toys. This went on for several nights and finally one night when her daddy came in her room he found her sitting on the bed crying. She held up her hand and in it was the cheap necklace. "Here, daddy, this is for you". Her daddy took the necklace and reaching in his pocket he pulled out a velvet box with a genuine pearl necklace in it. He had it all the time but was waiting for her to give up her cheap necklace, so he could give her a more valuable treasure.
God works in this same way with us. There are things we need to give up in order for Him to replace them with blessings that are better for us. Let us give some thought to these suggestions:
1. When people (young or old) spend more time with others who are not Christians, they find themselves being led away from the Lord and growing weaker. If we give these friends up and seek Christian friends we are made stronger. Paul said, "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners" (1 Cor. 15:33). When God sees us making an effort to do this you will be surprised the friends God will replace in your life to help you be stronger. You will find being involved with Christians helps you have a stronger desire to go to heaven.
2. When you decide to give up the T.V. on Wednesday and Sunday nights and attend the services of the church you will be amazed at how your interest changes. It won't be long until you will really be enjoying what has been replaced in your life. The desire to watch T.V. instead of attending services had been replaced with something better for you.
3. You sleep late on Sunday morning instead of attending bible classes and church services. You give up this for something better and before long the life style has changed until you find happiness in doing God's Will.
4. We need to give up harmful habits, relationships and activities that keep us from serving God.
Remember, Jenny had to give up a cheap necklace to receive a genuine pearl necklace. There are things we need to give up to receive something much more valuable than any earthly possession: an eternal home in heaven.
Are we willing to do it?
God works in this same way with us. There are things we need to give up in order for Him to replace them with blessings that are better for us. Let us give some thought to these suggestions:
1. When people (young or old) spend more time with others who are not Christians, they find themselves being led away from the Lord and growing weaker. If we give these friends up and seek Christian friends we are made stronger. Paul said, "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners" (1 Cor. 15:33). When God sees us making an effort to do this you will be surprised the friends God will replace in your life to help you be stronger. You will find being involved with Christians helps you have a stronger desire to go to heaven.
2. When you decide to give up the T.V. on Wednesday and Sunday nights and attend the services of the church you will be amazed at how your interest changes. It won't be long until you will really be enjoying what has been replaced in your life. The desire to watch T.V. instead of attending services had been replaced with something better for you.
3. You sleep late on Sunday morning instead of attending bible classes and church services. You give up this for something better and before long the life style has changed until you find happiness in doing God's Will.
4. We need to give up harmful habits, relationships and activities that keep us from serving God.
Remember, Jenny had to give up a cheap necklace to receive a genuine pearl necklace. There are things we need to give up to receive something much more valuable than any earthly possession: an eternal home in heaven.
Are we willing to do it?