The Change Movement: The Roots of Change
Sermon Outline By Tom Moore
Sermon Outline By Tom Moore
A. Churches of Christ are experiencing shock and heartache all over America as they are being torn
asunder by those who wish to restructure the church
1. The church is under siege from within
2. Many, if not most, of our Christian colleges are promoting this restructuring
3. Many of our liberal brethren insist that change is absolutely necessary if the church is to remain
“relevant” to society & “appealing” to human culture
B. Jude 3
1. We must speak out against the change movement
2. Why must we speak out?
a. To alert the sleeping giant of our brotherhood and warn them of the Trojan Horse in our midst
b. To provide assistance and encouragement to those wracked by the destructive efforts of illicit change
c. To reaffirm the simple truth of God’s will to all who will listen
C. The movement to accommodate culture in religion is in direct conflict with the simplicity of the Gospel
1. Deuteronomy 32:7
2. Jeremiah 6:16 … the “Old Paths” are still new
3. Matthew 7:13-14 … “straight” = rigid, confining, difficult to negotiate
1. American civilization had managed to survive the devastating and catastrophic effects of
economic depression and world war
a. The postwar era brought optimism and technological and material prosperity
b. Into this generation came the generation of the 50s and the 60s – the “baby boomers”
c. Their parents were anxious to give their kids what they didn’t have in the 30s and 40s
1) They didn’t learn sacrifice – provided a pleasant existence
2) Religious interest were integrated into this comfortable lifestyle
2. Something happened in the 60s
a. The uncontrolled nature of rock and roll, motorcycle gangs, hippies, and drugs began to appear
b. Vietnam … generation gap … do your own thing
3. The Baby Boomers are now parents, and are the movers and shakers of today
a. Now the Baby Boomers are trying to restructure the church like they tried to restructure society
in the 60s
b. The are trying to redefine terms in order to accommodate the change they desire
4. Factors underlying the present push for change:
a. Materialism
1) Material prosperity contains within a subtle deceptive barb – the tendency to forget God
2) Deuteronomy 8:7-14
b. Agnosticism
1) Can’t know truth…right and wrong have been blurred…values are now viewed subjective
2) John 8:31-32
c. Aversion to being judgmental
1) Moral absolutes have been removed
2) John 7:24
d. Lack of discipline
1) Laxness … poor work ethic
2) Loose approach to most things
e. Craving for entertainment
1) “Fun and games” dominate
2) Fleshly stimulation is craved
1. In every period of church history there has always been one major doctrine that has preoccupied
center stage
2. In our day the issue is the authority of the Bible
a. In reality this is the root of all religious problems
b. Can we understand the Bible? Is It really inspired?
c. Some say, Parts are inspired and others are not but are myths
d. Book, chapter and verse preaching is being ridiculed
3. Those who clamor for change are those who have rejected Bible authority. Notice the Bible’s warnings:
a. Matthew 7:15
b. Acts 20:29-30
c. 2 Peter 2:1
d. 1 John 4:1
e. Ephesians 4:14
1. Politics reflect the same cultural influences operative in society at large
a. The political arena has been heavily weighted toward political liberalism for many years
b. Now call Political Correctness
2. The political liberal and the religious liberal share a common attitude
a. The manifest a smug superiority over those who do not accept their view
b. Their interaction with conservatives is characterized by a condescending air of “you are
ignorant, narrow-minded and incapable of grasping my superior views”
3. Parallel political and religious viewpoints
a. ERA – Women’s role in the church
b. Can’t legislate morality – divorce for any cause
c. Conservatives are intolerant, harsh, cold, and uncaring
d. Situation Ethics
e. American welfare system/free handouts – please me and my need first
f. Objective truth is questioned and/or undermined
4. These parallels are too striking to be coincidental or unrelated
1. Another taproot that is sparking fires of change in the church is modern scientific thought
a. Humanism has taken a dreadful toll on out society
b. Its atheistic tentacles have invaded virtually every facet of social life
2. The Theory of Evolution
a. This is the prominent manifestation of humanistic influence in the church
b. Some of our Christians schools have been seduced by pseudo-scientific proof that the world is old
– 5 billion years
c. They are now teaching theistic evolution
1) They reject the day of Genesis 1 as being literal
2) They call the creation account a myth
d. Theistic Evolution is false:
1) If Genesis 1 is not to be take literal none of the other Bible writers knew about it
– Hebrews 11:3; Exodus 20:11
2) Genesis 1 defines the meaning of day
3) Plant life was created on the third day – the sun was not created until the fourth day
4) There are many proofs that evolution is false
3. What are the implications of belief in Theistic Evolution?
a. Many conclude that if Genesis 1 can be interpreted loosely, why not the rest of the Bible
b. It is believing a lie – it is believing that which at its core is atheistic
c. It is to be in league with humanistic philosophy
A. These are the roots behind those who are trying to restructure the church – those trying
to change the Lord’s blood bought church
B. In our next lesson we will discuss the fuel of change
C. Jeremiah 6:16
A. Churches of Christ are experiencing shock and heartache all over America as they are being torn
asunder by those who wish to restructure the church
1. The church is under siege from within
2. Many, if not most, of our Christian colleges are promoting this restructuring
3. Many of our liberal brethren insist that change is absolutely necessary if the church is to remain
“relevant” to society & “appealing” to human culture
B. Jude 3
1. We must speak out against the change movement
2. Why must we speak out?
a. To alert the sleeping giant of our brotherhood and warn them of the Trojan Horse in our midst
b. To provide assistance and encouragement to those wracked by the destructive efforts of illicit change
c. To reaffirm the simple truth of God’s will to all who will listen
C. The movement to accommodate culture in religion is in direct conflict with the simplicity of the Gospel
1. Deuteronomy 32:7
2. Jeremiah 6:16 … the “Old Paths” are still new
3. Matthew 7:13-14 … “straight” = rigid, confining, difficult to negotiate
1. American civilization had managed to survive the devastating and catastrophic effects of
economic depression and world war
a. The postwar era brought optimism and technological and material prosperity
b. Into this generation came the generation of the 50s and the 60s – the “baby boomers”
c. Their parents were anxious to give their kids what they didn’t have in the 30s and 40s
1) They didn’t learn sacrifice – provided a pleasant existence
2) Religious interest were integrated into this comfortable lifestyle
2. Something happened in the 60s
a. The uncontrolled nature of rock and roll, motorcycle gangs, hippies, and drugs began to appear
b. Vietnam … generation gap … do your own thing
3. The Baby Boomers are now parents, and are the movers and shakers of today
a. Now the Baby Boomers are trying to restructure the church like they tried to restructure society
in the 60s
b. The are trying to redefine terms in order to accommodate the change they desire
4. Factors underlying the present push for change:
a. Materialism
1) Material prosperity contains within a subtle deceptive barb – the tendency to forget God
2) Deuteronomy 8:7-14
b. Agnosticism
1) Can’t know truth…right and wrong have been blurred…values are now viewed subjective
2) John 8:31-32
c. Aversion to being judgmental
1) Moral absolutes have been removed
2) John 7:24
d. Lack of discipline
1) Laxness … poor work ethic
2) Loose approach to most things
e. Craving for entertainment
1) “Fun and games” dominate
2) Fleshly stimulation is craved
1. In every period of church history there has always been one major doctrine that has preoccupied
center stage
2. In our day the issue is the authority of the Bible
a. In reality this is the root of all religious problems
b. Can we understand the Bible? Is It really inspired?
c. Some say, Parts are inspired and others are not but are myths
d. Book, chapter and verse preaching is being ridiculed
3. Those who clamor for change are those who have rejected Bible authority. Notice the Bible’s warnings:
a. Matthew 7:15
b. Acts 20:29-30
c. 2 Peter 2:1
d. 1 John 4:1
e. Ephesians 4:14
1. Politics reflect the same cultural influences operative in society at large
a. The political arena has been heavily weighted toward political liberalism for many years
b. Now call Political Correctness
2. The political liberal and the religious liberal share a common attitude
a. The manifest a smug superiority over those who do not accept their view
b. Their interaction with conservatives is characterized by a condescending air of “you are
ignorant, narrow-minded and incapable of grasping my superior views”
3. Parallel political and religious viewpoints
a. ERA – Women’s role in the church
b. Can’t legislate morality – divorce for any cause
c. Conservatives are intolerant, harsh, cold, and uncaring
d. Situation Ethics
e. American welfare system/free handouts – please me and my need first
f. Objective truth is questioned and/or undermined
4. These parallels are too striking to be coincidental or unrelated
1. Another taproot that is sparking fires of change in the church is modern scientific thought
a. Humanism has taken a dreadful toll on out society
b. Its atheistic tentacles have invaded virtually every facet of social life
2. The Theory of Evolution
a. This is the prominent manifestation of humanistic influence in the church
b. Some of our Christians schools have been seduced by pseudo-scientific proof that the world is old
– 5 billion years
c. They are now teaching theistic evolution
1) They reject the day of Genesis 1 as being literal
2) They call the creation account a myth
d. Theistic Evolution is false:
1) If Genesis 1 is not to be take literal none of the other Bible writers knew about it
– Hebrews 11:3; Exodus 20:11
2) Genesis 1 defines the meaning of day
3) Plant life was created on the third day – the sun was not created until the fourth day
4) There are many proofs that evolution is false
3. What are the implications of belief in Theistic Evolution?
a. Many conclude that if Genesis 1 can be interpreted loosely, why not the rest of the Bible
b. It is believing a lie – it is believing that which at its core is atheistic
c. It is to be in league with humanistic philosophy
A. These are the roots behind those who are trying to restructure the church – those trying
to change the Lord’s blood bought church
B. In our next lesson we will discuss the fuel of change
C. Jeremiah 6:16