The Change Movement: A New Preaching Style
Sermon Outline By Tom Moore
Sermon Outline By Tom Moore
A. The church is under attack by the change agents, and one of their targets is unquestionably the
worship services
1. One striking changes that has occurred over the last 30 years is a new style of preaching
2. Scripture used to be the sum and substance of our sermon material
3. We used to literally drench our preaching with Bible
4. Our preaching was easily identifiable for its sober logic and good sense
5. Like Paul’s, Acts 26:25
B. But this is no longer the case in many places
1. Much of the preaching now is dominated by psychology man’s fallible perceptions of his own needs
2. Now our preaching focuses more on the preacher than the message
3. This need breed of preachers are masters at endearing themselves to the congregation rather than
endearing the congregation to Jesus and the word of God
a. Biblical substance has been replaced by emotional stimulation
b. Many are selling out to the denominations and opting for their approach
4. The old style of preaching was appealing for its good sense, Scripture and logic. The new style of
preaching entails showmanship, entertainment, and filled with anecdotes rather than a thus saith
the Lord.
A. The “Felt-Needs” Fallacy
1. The new style of preaching and the change in sermon content has occurred largely as a result of
the preoccupation with numerical growth
a. The desire to attract people is accompanied by the insistence that preaching must be adjusted
and adapted to culture
b. Many now are molding their preaching around the “felt-needs” of the audience
c. By “felt-needs” it is meant that the listener possesses specific perceptions of what he needs,
desires, or wants
d. The new style of preacher finds what kind of food they and provides them a good “cotton candy sermon”
2. Notice that this approach, by definition, permits man to set the agenda for topic of discussion
a. But if Bible history shows us anything, it shows us that this is not the way
1) Jeremiah 10:23
2) Proverbs 14:12
3) Proverbs 20:24
b. Man often clamors for what they want, and not what they need — Only God knows what is, in reality,
good for man
c. We must permit God to set the agenda for preaching
3. Biblical preaching centers on and majors in what God says are man’s needs — rather than any
“heart felt-need”
a. The greatest need of mankind is the straightforward proclamation of the Bible, rather than tickling
of the ears of the people
b. We need to get away from man’s wisdom and get back to God’s wisdom
B. Balanced Preaching
1. Some are now saying that a preacher should never, under any circumstances, offend or create
division by his teaching
a. It may be true that some preachers offend inappropriately
b. On the other hand, the preacher who is patterning his life and teaching after Jesus will inevitably
offend some
2. Consider the preaching of Jesus
a. John 7:12
b. John 7:43
c. John 10:19
d. The prevailing mood among many of our brethren is “peace at all cost,” “smooth it over,” and
“whatever you do, don’t create division”
e. No one wants division just for the sake of division, but Jesus said — Luke 12:51
3. Another contrast between Bible preaching and human ideas about preaching is seen among those
who claimthat it is inappropriate for the preacher to “call names” or speak too directly about a false
doctrine, a false teacher, or a false church
a. Their reasoning is that this alienates people and brings unnecessary antagonism. Does this
premise, in fact, have biblical support?
b. Jesus labeled false teachers with such names as: offspring of vipers, hypocrites, blind guides,
fools, serpents (Mat. 12:34; 23:15-17, 33)
c. Paul publicly called people down by name: Demas, Hymenaeus, Alexander, Philetus, Peter,
Alexander the Coppersmith (Gal. 2:11-4; 1 Tim. 1:20; 2 Tim. 2:17-19; 4:10, 14)
d. Publicly pinpointing people, groups, and doctrines is biblical if undertaken properly
4. One also hears a lot these days about the need to have “balanced preaching”
a. What is often meant by this admonition is that the preacher should refrain from being “negative”
b. Granted, we should “speak the truth in love”(Eph. 4:15)
c. Our approach to life and preaching should not be dominated by a harsh, critical, and unkind
1) Galatians 6:1
2) 2 Timothy 2:24-25
d. But the Bible repeatedly teaches that the human mind is in frequent need of correction and
discipline — that which is negative
1) Jeremiah 1:10
2) 2 Timothy 4:1-2
5. This is hard for many to accept, but biblical preaching -balanced preaching — can sometimes
be divisive, offensive,and negative
a. God’s proclaimed truth is like a hammer that breaks rocks into pieces (Jer. 23:29)
b. But to those who will receive with humility, it will save their soul (James 1:21)
C. Book, Chapter, and Verse
1. Another facet of the new style of preaching is the insistence that the explicit citation of Bible book,
chapter and verse in pulpit proclamation is somehow unsophisticated, ineffective, or inappropriate
a. There is a dramatic reduction in the use of Scripture in many pulpits today
b. This is dangerous and sure to bring spiritual destruction, as biblical history points our
1) Joshua 1:8
2) Hosea 4:6
2. Why do some seem so reluctant to give book, chapter, and verse in their preaching?
a. Perhaps some are threatened by their lack of Bible knowledge
b. Or, perhaps some have embraced false doctrines which cannot survive the straightforward
scrutiny of the Scriptures
c. Or, maybe to them constantly quoting Scripture does not fit well with the modern, “sophisticated,”
“educated,” “smooth” approach.
3. 1 Peter 4:11
4. Isaiah 8:20
5. Romans 1:16
6. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 -- thus, the need for Scripture
A. The Bible must be preached in our pulpits
B. Bible ignorance destroys soul
A. The church is under attack by the change agents, and one of their targets is unquestionably the
worship services
1. One striking changes that has occurred over the last 30 years is a new style of preaching
2. Scripture used to be the sum and substance of our sermon material
3. We used to literally drench our preaching with Bible
4. Our preaching was easily identifiable for its sober logic and good sense
5. Like Paul’s, Acts 26:25
B. But this is no longer the case in many places
1. Much of the preaching now is dominated by psychology man’s fallible perceptions of his own needs
2. Now our preaching focuses more on the preacher than the message
3. This need breed of preachers are masters at endearing themselves to the congregation rather than
endearing the congregation to Jesus and the word of God
a. Biblical substance has been replaced by emotional stimulation
b. Many are selling out to the denominations and opting for their approach
4. The old style of preaching was appealing for its good sense, Scripture and logic. The new style of
preaching entails showmanship, entertainment, and filled with anecdotes rather than a thus saith
the Lord.
A. The “Felt-Needs” Fallacy
1. The new style of preaching and the change in sermon content has occurred largely as a result of
the preoccupation with numerical growth
a. The desire to attract people is accompanied by the insistence that preaching must be adjusted
and adapted to culture
b. Many now are molding their preaching around the “felt-needs” of the audience
c. By “felt-needs” it is meant that the listener possesses specific perceptions of what he needs,
desires, or wants
d. The new style of preacher finds what kind of food they and provides them a good “cotton candy sermon”
2. Notice that this approach, by definition, permits man to set the agenda for topic of discussion
a. But if Bible history shows us anything, it shows us that this is not the way
1) Jeremiah 10:23
2) Proverbs 14:12
3) Proverbs 20:24
b. Man often clamors for what they want, and not what they need — Only God knows what is, in reality,
good for man
c. We must permit God to set the agenda for preaching
3. Biblical preaching centers on and majors in what God says are man’s needs — rather than any
“heart felt-need”
a. The greatest need of mankind is the straightforward proclamation of the Bible, rather than tickling
of the ears of the people
b. We need to get away from man’s wisdom and get back to God’s wisdom
B. Balanced Preaching
1. Some are now saying that a preacher should never, under any circumstances, offend or create
division by his teaching
a. It may be true that some preachers offend inappropriately
b. On the other hand, the preacher who is patterning his life and teaching after Jesus will inevitably
offend some
2. Consider the preaching of Jesus
a. John 7:12
b. John 7:43
c. John 10:19
d. The prevailing mood among many of our brethren is “peace at all cost,” “smooth it over,” and
“whatever you do, don’t create division”
e. No one wants division just for the sake of division, but Jesus said — Luke 12:51
3. Another contrast between Bible preaching and human ideas about preaching is seen among those
who claimthat it is inappropriate for the preacher to “call names” or speak too directly about a false
doctrine, a false teacher, or a false church
a. Their reasoning is that this alienates people and brings unnecessary antagonism. Does this
premise, in fact, have biblical support?
b. Jesus labeled false teachers with such names as: offspring of vipers, hypocrites, blind guides,
fools, serpents (Mat. 12:34; 23:15-17, 33)
c. Paul publicly called people down by name: Demas, Hymenaeus, Alexander, Philetus, Peter,
Alexander the Coppersmith (Gal. 2:11-4; 1 Tim. 1:20; 2 Tim. 2:17-19; 4:10, 14)
d. Publicly pinpointing people, groups, and doctrines is biblical if undertaken properly
4. One also hears a lot these days about the need to have “balanced preaching”
a. What is often meant by this admonition is that the preacher should refrain from being “negative”
b. Granted, we should “speak the truth in love”(Eph. 4:15)
c. Our approach to life and preaching should not be dominated by a harsh, critical, and unkind
1) Galatians 6:1
2) 2 Timothy 2:24-25
d. But the Bible repeatedly teaches that the human mind is in frequent need of correction and
discipline — that which is negative
1) Jeremiah 1:10
2) 2 Timothy 4:1-2
5. This is hard for many to accept, but biblical preaching -balanced preaching — can sometimes
be divisive, offensive,and negative
a. God’s proclaimed truth is like a hammer that breaks rocks into pieces (Jer. 23:29)
b. But to those who will receive with humility, it will save their soul (James 1:21)
C. Book, Chapter, and Verse
1. Another facet of the new style of preaching is the insistence that the explicit citation of Bible book,
chapter and verse in pulpit proclamation is somehow unsophisticated, ineffective, or inappropriate
a. There is a dramatic reduction in the use of Scripture in many pulpits today
b. This is dangerous and sure to bring spiritual destruction, as biblical history points our
1) Joshua 1:8
2) Hosea 4:6
2. Why do some seem so reluctant to give book, chapter, and verse in their preaching?
a. Perhaps some are threatened by their lack of Bible knowledge
b. Or, perhaps some have embraced false doctrines which cannot survive the straightforward
scrutiny of the Scriptures
c. Or, maybe to them constantly quoting Scripture does not fit well with the modern, “sophisticated,”
“educated,” “smooth” approach.
3. 1 Peter 4:11
4. Isaiah 8:20
5. Romans 1:16
6. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 -- thus, the need for Scripture
A. The Bible must be preached in our pulpits
B. Bible ignorance destroys soul