Prophecies Fulfilled in Jesus' Life,
Death, and Resurrection
(by Bob Pulliam)
Counts of the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in the New Testament number as high as 322. Here is an incomplete list of the prophecies concerning Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and kingdom. Keep in mind that the Old Testament was completed over four-hundred years before Jesus came, and can be historically confirmed as complete before the year 250 BC.
Events Surrounding the Birth of Jesus...Isaiah 7:14 - Matthew 1:23 The virgin birth of Jesus.
Micah 5:2 - Matthew 2:6 The birthplace of Jesus.
Hosea 11:1 - Matthew 2:15 The Messiah would be called out of Egypt.
Jeremiah 31:15 - Matthew 2:18 The slaughter of children in Judea.
Events Surrounding the Ministry of Jesus...Isaiah 40:3 - Matthew 3:3 The mission of John the baptizer.
Malachi 3:1 - Luke 1:76 The mission of John.
Malachi 4:6 - Luke 1:17 The mission of John.
Isaiah 9:1f - Matthew 4:15f The lands to the north (region of the gentiles).
Isaiah 35:5 - Matthew 11:5 The signs of the Messiah.
Isaiah 42:1ff - Matthew 12:18ff The Servant chosen of God.
Events Surrounding the Death and Resurrection of Jesus...Psalm 2:6f - Acts 13:33 The begotten Son.
Psalm 16:8-11 - Acts 2:24-32 He would be raised from the dead.
Psalm 22:7 - Matthew 27:39 People wag their heads.
Psalm 22:7f - Matthew 27:41ff People ridicule Him.
Psalm 22:16 - Luke 23:33 Hands and feet pierced.
Psalm 22:17 - Luke 23:35 People astonished.
Psalm 22:18 - John 19:24 Garments parted, and lots cast for single garment.
Psalm 34:20 - John 19:33 & 36 Bones not broken.
Psalm 118:22f- Matthew 21:42 The Stone rejected by the builders.
Isaiah 53:1 - John 12:38 The unbelief of the leaders.
Isaiah 53:5 - Matthew 27:12ff Wounded and bruised.
Isaiah 53:7 - Matthew 27:12ff Silent before accusers.
Isaiah 53:9 - Matthew 27:57ff Buried in a rich man's tomb.
Isaiah 53:12 - Mark 15:27f Crucified with thieves.
Isaiah 53:12 - Luke 23:34 Prayed for persecutors.
Isaiah 62:11 - Matthew 21:5 Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Zechariah 9:9 - Matthew 21:5 Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Zechariah 11:12 - Matthew 26:14f Sold for 30 pieces of silver.
Zechariah 11:13 - Matthew 27:3ff Money cast to the potter.
Zechariah 12:10 - John 19:34 & 37 Side was pierced.
Zechariah 13:7 - Matthew 26:31 The disciples scattered.
Prophecies Concerning Jesus and the Kingdom...Genesis 22:18 - Acts 3:25 Salvation in the seed of Abraham.
Deuteronomy 18:18 - Acts 3:22 A prophet like unto Moses.
Psalm 40:6ff- Hebrews 10:5ff The Messiah as a sacrifice.
Psalm 45:ff - Hebrews 1:8f The throne of the Messiah.
Psalm 110:1 - Hebrews 1:13 "Sit at My right hand..."
Psalm 11:4 - Hebrews 5:6 A priest after the order of Melchizedek.
Psalm 118:22 - Acts 4:11 The stone rejected by the builders.
Isaiah 28:16 - Romans 9:33 The stone of stumbling.
Daniel 2:44f - Luke 3:1;Col 1:13 During the Roman Empire
Isaiah 49:6 - Acts 13:47 The gospel to the gentiles.
Isaiah 52:15 - Romans 15:21 The gospel to the gentiles.
Isaiah 59:20f - Romans 11:26 The Messiah will come out of Zion.
Jeremiah 31:31ff - Hebrews 8:8ff The nature of the new covenant.
Hosea 2:23 - Romans 9:25 The gospel to the gentiles.
Joel 2:28-32 - Acts 2:17-21 The circumstances of the last days.
Conclusion...What are the odds that anyone ever would have come along to fulfill the majority of these prophecies? What are the odds that anyone would have come along at the right time (during the days of the Roman empire), and fulfilled all of them? The calculation would yield an astronomical result! What would that say about the odd of an unbeliever being reasonable in rejecting Jesus as the Messiah?...
Counts of the Old Testament prophecies fulfilled in the New Testament number as high as 322. Here is an incomplete list of the prophecies concerning Jesus' life, death, resurrection, and kingdom. Keep in mind that the Old Testament was completed over four-hundred years before Jesus came, and can be historically confirmed as complete before the year 250 BC.
Events Surrounding the Birth of Jesus...Isaiah 7:14 - Matthew 1:23 The virgin birth of Jesus.
Micah 5:2 - Matthew 2:6 The birthplace of Jesus.
Hosea 11:1 - Matthew 2:15 The Messiah would be called out of Egypt.
Jeremiah 31:15 - Matthew 2:18 The slaughter of children in Judea.
Events Surrounding the Ministry of Jesus...Isaiah 40:3 - Matthew 3:3 The mission of John the baptizer.
Malachi 3:1 - Luke 1:76 The mission of John.
Malachi 4:6 - Luke 1:17 The mission of John.
Isaiah 9:1f - Matthew 4:15f The lands to the north (region of the gentiles).
Isaiah 35:5 - Matthew 11:5 The signs of the Messiah.
Isaiah 42:1ff - Matthew 12:18ff The Servant chosen of God.
Events Surrounding the Death and Resurrection of Jesus...Psalm 2:6f - Acts 13:33 The begotten Son.
Psalm 16:8-11 - Acts 2:24-32 He would be raised from the dead.
Psalm 22:7 - Matthew 27:39 People wag their heads.
Psalm 22:7f - Matthew 27:41ff People ridicule Him.
Psalm 22:16 - Luke 23:33 Hands and feet pierced.
Psalm 22:17 - Luke 23:35 People astonished.
Psalm 22:18 - John 19:24 Garments parted, and lots cast for single garment.
Psalm 34:20 - John 19:33 & 36 Bones not broken.
Psalm 118:22f- Matthew 21:42 The Stone rejected by the builders.
Isaiah 53:1 - John 12:38 The unbelief of the leaders.
Isaiah 53:5 - Matthew 27:12ff Wounded and bruised.
Isaiah 53:7 - Matthew 27:12ff Silent before accusers.
Isaiah 53:9 - Matthew 27:57ff Buried in a rich man's tomb.
Isaiah 53:12 - Mark 15:27f Crucified with thieves.
Isaiah 53:12 - Luke 23:34 Prayed for persecutors.
Isaiah 62:11 - Matthew 21:5 Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Zechariah 9:9 - Matthew 21:5 Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Zechariah 11:12 - Matthew 26:14f Sold for 30 pieces of silver.
Zechariah 11:13 - Matthew 27:3ff Money cast to the potter.
Zechariah 12:10 - John 19:34 & 37 Side was pierced.
Zechariah 13:7 - Matthew 26:31 The disciples scattered.
Prophecies Concerning Jesus and the Kingdom...Genesis 22:18 - Acts 3:25 Salvation in the seed of Abraham.
Deuteronomy 18:18 - Acts 3:22 A prophet like unto Moses.
Psalm 40:6ff- Hebrews 10:5ff The Messiah as a sacrifice.
Psalm 45:ff - Hebrews 1:8f The throne of the Messiah.
Psalm 110:1 - Hebrews 1:13 "Sit at My right hand..."
Psalm 11:4 - Hebrews 5:6 A priest after the order of Melchizedek.
Psalm 118:22 - Acts 4:11 The stone rejected by the builders.
Isaiah 28:16 - Romans 9:33 The stone of stumbling.
Daniel 2:44f - Luke 3:1;Col 1:13 During the Roman Empire
Isaiah 49:6 - Acts 13:47 The gospel to the gentiles.
Isaiah 52:15 - Romans 15:21 The gospel to the gentiles.
Isaiah 59:20f - Romans 11:26 The Messiah will come out of Zion.
Jeremiah 31:31ff - Hebrews 8:8ff The nature of the new covenant.
Hosea 2:23 - Romans 9:25 The gospel to the gentiles.
Joel 2:28-32 - Acts 2:17-21 The circumstances of the last days.
Conclusion...What are the odds that anyone ever would have come along to fulfill the majority of these prophecies? What are the odds that anyone would have come along at the right time (during the days of the Roman empire), and fulfilled all of them? The calculation would yield an astronomical result! What would that say about the odd of an unbeliever being reasonable in rejecting Jesus as the Messiah?...