Blessed Assurance
Sermon Outline By Tom Moore
Sermon Outline By Tom Moore
Text: 1 John 3:19-24
1. You ever feel insecure or uncertain?
a. We all do on occasion
b. Sometimes the confidence is just not there
2. Sometimes it is your conscience eating at you
a. You feel unworthy or ineffective or guilty
b. The conscience can be a good tool at times convicting us of our faults
c. It can also be a tool of Satan
d. When he convinces you that you have no hope then he has used his tool effectively against you
3. The Christian has a blessed assurance based on the grace of our God
4. We have assurance in God’s presence:
a. Before God
b. Beloved by God
c. Because of our work for God
5. We all need encouragement from time to time and James gives it to us in our text for this morning
6. Read Text
TRANSITION: First of all for assurance we stand:
A. The image presented here is like that of a courtroom
1. The accused stands before the judge
a. Not typically a very assuring position
b. We stand there being accused
2. Satan is our accuser
a. He accuses us before God, making accusations against our morality, character, and obedience
b. He accuses us before ourselves, working that conscience against our hearts and minds
convincing us that we are not worthy or loveable
c. He wins if his accusations make us quit
3. But God is the judge before whom we stand and His opinion of us is what really matters in the end
B. Our judge knows we need encouragement
1. Courtrooms are scary places, I have been on jury duty and know this
2. Our hearts can seem cruel and condemning with Satan working on them
3. So He assures us in the truth as we stand before Him that He loves us
C. We are sure that He is greater than our sin
1. I cannot commit a sin that is bigger than God
2. Some have done some pretty horrific things in their lives
3. But none greater than God’s grace can handle
4. In fact, He died for the most unlikely groups in our minds
a. Those in Acts 2 on Pentecost had 50 days prior cried, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”
b. He even died for those who drove nails into His flesh and the one who pierced His side
c. He saved the thief on the cross beside Him
5. The only sin that is not forgiven is the one from which you refuse to repent
6. This assurance helps us stay the course and overcome our weaknesses and Satan’s attacks
D. Our lives stand on trial before God
1. Our only defense is to plead guilty and ask for mercy
2. We have assurance of that mercy
3. Though guilty, He will declare our innocence, this is justification
TRANSITION: We can have blessed assurance also because we are:
A. John calls us beloved
1. He is speaking of his love for us
2. But he does not love anyone that does not share God’s love with him
3. We are God’s beloved according to John when we keep His commandments
4. This is the time when your heart will not condemn you
B. To avoid that guilty conscience we must simply obey God
1. There is no need to fear the police when you are obeying the speed limit
a. 1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love”
b. We need not fear punishment for crimes we did not commit regardless of Satan’s empty accusations
2. There is no need to feel condemned when you are living righteously
3. When we obey Him we actually please God and He will not destroy us for that
C. The commandment in particular is what?
1. First we believe in Jesus as God’s son and second that we love one another
2. Belief involves obedience
a. James 2:26, “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also”
b. Faith means doing what God has told us to do
3. Love demands humility, understanding the needs of others as equal to yours
4. We must demonstrate genuine love for others as Christians following the example Jesus set for us
a. He washed feet to show that love in John 13
b. He healed many sick and fed many hungry
c. He went to the cross to show just how much love He has for us
d. When asked how much He loved us Jesus stretched out His hands on the cross and said,
“This much”
5. That is the love we must have for one another
6. Then we will not fear God’s punishment and Satan’s accusations
TRANSITION: God’s blessed assurance is given to us:
A. The assurance we receive is because of the lives we live
1. Lives of love and dedicated service and effort
2. This life does not earn our assurance
a. It is a gift of grace
b. Eph. 2:8-10, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is
the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created
in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
3. But the assurance promised here depends on it
B. We are assured because we keep His commandment and please Him
1. Proverbs 12:15, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise.”
a. To do things your own way may seem best
b. But in reality this is a foolish venture
2. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: fear God and keep His
commandments, for this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every
secret thing, whether good or evil."
a. God’s will is the wisest course of action in live
b. Because it brings about God’s assurance that Satan’s accusations will not be heard in God’s court
3. When you go your own way Satan’s accusations are true and you need to be filled with fear of judgment
4. When you practice God’s way then Satan’s accusations are false and you can ignore them because
God is going to also.
1. We all feel insecure and uncertain sometimes
a. The danger is when those feelings make us believe it’s futile to keep going
b. God is bigger than our sins and is bigger than Satan’s lies
2. But we must live so that Satan’s accusations are lies so that we can have God’s assurance in our hearts
3. First remember that you stand before God not Satan
a. Satan’s opinion of you means absolutely nothing
b. God is the one who makes the final decision based on your life not Satan’s claims
c. Know that He gives assurance to His righteous people
4. Remember that you are one of God’s beloved
a. He wants you to live with Him forever
b. He has gone to great lengths to give you every opportunity
c. He hopes to tell you to enter in to His eternal rest
5. You have assurance because of your faithful life
a. If you follow Satan’s roads you will be found guilty of his accusations
b. If you travel down the path of Jesus you will be justified, proclaimed innocent of the crimes for which
Satan accuses you
c. This is only possible when we choose to live the Christian life of faithful obedience to God and love
for one another
6. Live so that His blessed assurance will rest securely on your heart and you can ignore the tugs and
traps of Satan’s false accusations
1. You ever feel insecure or uncertain?
a. We all do on occasion
b. Sometimes the confidence is just not there
2. Sometimes it is your conscience eating at you
a. You feel unworthy or ineffective or guilty
b. The conscience can be a good tool at times convicting us of our faults
c. It can also be a tool of Satan
d. When he convinces you that you have no hope then he has used his tool effectively against you
3. The Christian has a blessed assurance based on the grace of our God
4. We have assurance in God’s presence:
a. Before God
b. Beloved by God
c. Because of our work for God
5. We all need encouragement from time to time and James gives it to us in our text for this morning
6. Read Text
TRANSITION: First of all for assurance we stand:
A. The image presented here is like that of a courtroom
1. The accused stands before the judge
a. Not typically a very assuring position
b. We stand there being accused
2. Satan is our accuser
a. He accuses us before God, making accusations against our morality, character, and obedience
b. He accuses us before ourselves, working that conscience against our hearts and minds
convincing us that we are not worthy or loveable
c. He wins if his accusations make us quit
3. But God is the judge before whom we stand and His opinion of us is what really matters in the end
B. Our judge knows we need encouragement
1. Courtrooms are scary places, I have been on jury duty and know this
2. Our hearts can seem cruel and condemning with Satan working on them
3. So He assures us in the truth as we stand before Him that He loves us
C. We are sure that He is greater than our sin
1. I cannot commit a sin that is bigger than God
2. Some have done some pretty horrific things in their lives
3. But none greater than God’s grace can handle
4. In fact, He died for the most unlikely groups in our minds
a. Those in Acts 2 on Pentecost had 50 days prior cried, “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”
b. He even died for those who drove nails into His flesh and the one who pierced His side
c. He saved the thief on the cross beside Him
5. The only sin that is not forgiven is the one from which you refuse to repent
6. This assurance helps us stay the course and overcome our weaknesses and Satan’s attacks
D. Our lives stand on trial before God
1. Our only defense is to plead guilty and ask for mercy
2. We have assurance of that mercy
3. Though guilty, He will declare our innocence, this is justification
TRANSITION: We can have blessed assurance also because we are:
A. John calls us beloved
1. He is speaking of his love for us
2. But he does not love anyone that does not share God’s love with him
3. We are God’s beloved according to John when we keep His commandments
4. This is the time when your heart will not condemn you
B. To avoid that guilty conscience we must simply obey God
1. There is no need to fear the police when you are obeying the speed limit
a. 1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love”
b. We need not fear punishment for crimes we did not commit regardless of Satan’s empty accusations
2. There is no need to feel condemned when you are living righteously
3. When we obey Him we actually please God and He will not destroy us for that
C. The commandment in particular is what?
1. First we believe in Jesus as God’s son and second that we love one another
2. Belief involves obedience
a. James 2:26, “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also”
b. Faith means doing what God has told us to do
3. Love demands humility, understanding the needs of others as equal to yours
4. We must demonstrate genuine love for others as Christians following the example Jesus set for us
a. He washed feet to show that love in John 13
b. He healed many sick and fed many hungry
c. He went to the cross to show just how much love He has for us
d. When asked how much He loved us Jesus stretched out His hands on the cross and said,
“This much”
5. That is the love we must have for one another
6. Then we will not fear God’s punishment and Satan’s accusations
TRANSITION: God’s blessed assurance is given to us:
A. The assurance we receive is because of the lives we live
1. Lives of love and dedicated service and effort
2. This life does not earn our assurance
a. It is a gift of grace
b. Eph. 2:8-10, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is
the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created
in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”
3. But the assurance promised here depends on it
B. We are assured because we keep His commandment and please Him
1. Proverbs 12:15, “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise.”
a. To do things your own way may seem best
b. But in reality this is a foolish venture
2. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14, “Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: fear God and keep His
commandments, for this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every
secret thing, whether good or evil."
a. God’s will is the wisest course of action in live
b. Because it brings about God’s assurance that Satan’s accusations will not be heard in God’s court
3. When you go your own way Satan’s accusations are true and you need to be filled with fear of judgment
4. When you practice God’s way then Satan’s accusations are false and you can ignore them because
God is going to also.
1. We all feel insecure and uncertain sometimes
a. The danger is when those feelings make us believe it’s futile to keep going
b. God is bigger than our sins and is bigger than Satan’s lies
2. But we must live so that Satan’s accusations are lies so that we can have God’s assurance in our hearts
3. First remember that you stand before God not Satan
a. Satan’s opinion of you means absolutely nothing
b. God is the one who makes the final decision based on your life not Satan’s claims
c. Know that He gives assurance to His righteous people
4. Remember that you are one of God’s beloved
a. He wants you to live with Him forever
b. He has gone to great lengths to give you every opportunity
c. He hopes to tell you to enter in to His eternal rest
5. You have assurance because of your faithful life
a. If you follow Satan’s roads you will be found guilty of his accusations
b. If you travel down the path of Jesus you will be justified, proclaimed innocent of the crimes for which
Satan accuses you
c. This is only possible when we choose to live the Christian life of faithful obedience to God and love
for one another
6. Live so that His blessed assurance will rest securely on your heart and you can ignore the tugs and
traps of Satan’s false accusations