Introducing The Church of Christ
The New Testament Church
#1 - The Church was predicted by the prophets
#2 - The Church was founded by Jesus and on Him
#3 - There is but One True Church of Christ
#4 - Christ's Church is not a Denomination
#5 - She Has Jesus As Her Only Head
#6 - The Church is Described by Many Figures
#7 - The New Testament Is Her Only Standard of Authority
#8 - The Old Testament Is For Her Learning, But Not Her Law
#9 - Like The Early Christians, She Worships In Song
#10 - The Scriptures Direct Her To Lay By In Store
#11 - Members of the Church Commune as Christ Ordained
#12 - The Biblical Pattern Is Followed In Prayer
#13 - Like The Apostles, Her Preaching Is Biblical
#14 - Each Local Church Is Self-Governing Under Christ
#15 - Each Congregation Is Overseen By Biblical Elders
#16 - As In Bible Times, Deacons Serve The Church
#17 - The Role Of Preachers In The Lord's Church
#18 - She Wears Only Biblical Names
#19 - The Church Has A Divine Message: Evangelizing The World For Christ
#20 - The Church Is God's Benevolent Hand To The Poor
#21 - She Teaches The New Testament Plan of Salvation
#22 - The Apostles' Pattern Is Followed In The Practice of Baptism
#23 - As In Bible Times, Adults Are The Subjects of Baptism
#24 - God Assigned A Special Role For Women In The Church
#25 - She Upholds God's Standards For Godly Living
#26 - She Honors and Upholds God's Teachings On Marriage and Divorce
#27 - The Scriptures Are Her Discipline
#28 - Rather Than On The Sabbath, She Worships On The Lord's Day
#29 - She Seeks To Restore The Original Church
#30 - She Urges All To Unity Upon The Lord
#31 - She Proclaims For All Men Fellowship In Christ
#32 - Man Can Forfeit His Salvation By Turning Away From Christ
#33 - She Proclaims The Truth About The Holy Spirit In The Life of The Christian
#34 - She Believes The Miracles of Bible Times Are No Longer Available
#35 - She Proclaims Salvation To Whosoever Will Accept
#36 - She Sets Forth The Bible Teaching On The Nature of Man
#37 - She Teaches The Biblical Doctrine of the Godhead
#38 - She Teaches The Future Punishment of the Wicked
#39 - She Practices The Priesthood of All Believers
#40 - Churches of Christ Reject The Empty Forms of Ritualism
#41 - She Teaches Men To Give To God and To Caesar
#42 - The Church Believes In A Virgin-Born Savior
#43 - She Preaches The Deity of Jesus
#44 - She Believes In An Inspired Bible
#45 - She Is Saved By The Blood of Jesus
#46 - She Contends That God's Kingdom Was Established On Pentecost, 33 A.D.
#47 - She Affirms Salvation By Faith, But Not By Faith Only
#48 - Christ's Church Is Essential To Salvation
#49 - In Her Faith and Practice No Tradition of Man Is Accepted As Binding
#50 - The Church Anxiously Awaits The Return of Jesus
#51 - She Teaches The Bodily Resurrection of the Just and the Unjust
#52 - She Proclaims Heaven For The Righteous and Hell For The Wicked
The New Testament Church
#1 - The Church was predicted by the prophets
#2 - The Church was founded by Jesus and on Him
#3 - There is but One True Church of Christ
#4 - Christ's Church is not a Denomination
#5 - She Has Jesus As Her Only Head
#6 - The Church is Described by Many Figures
#7 - The New Testament Is Her Only Standard of Authority
#8 - The Old Testament Is For Her Learning, But Not Her Law
#9 - Like The Early Christians, She Worships In Song
#10 - The Scriptures Direct Her To Lay By In Store
#11 - Members of the Church Commune as Christ Ordained
#12 - The Biblical Pattern Is Followed In Prayer
#13 - Like The Apostles, Her Preaching Is Biblical
#14 - Each Local Church Is Self-Governing Under Christ
#15 - Each Congregation Is Overseen By Biblical Elders
#16 - As In Bible Times, Deacons Serve The Church
#17 - The Role Of Preachers In The Lord's Church
#18 - She Wears Only Biblical Names
#19 - The Church Has A Divine Message: Evangelizing The World For Christ
#20 - The Church Is God's Benevolent Hand To The Poor
#21 - She Teaches The New Testament Plan of Salvation
#22 - The Apostles' Pattern Is Followed In The Practice of Baptism
#23 - As In Bible Times, Adults Are The Subjects of Baptism
#24 - God Assigned A Special Role For Women In The Church
#25 - She Upholds God's Standards For Godly Living
#26 - She Honors and Upholds God's Teachings On Marriage and Divorce
#27 - The Scriptures Are Her Discipline
#28 - Rather Than On The Sabbath, She Worships On The Lord's Day
#29 - She Seeks To Restore The Original Church
#30 - She Urges All To Unity Upon The Lord
#31 - She Proclaims For All Men Fellowship In Christ
#32 - Man Can Forfeit His Salvation By Turning Away From Christ
#33 - She Proclaims The Truth About The Holy Spirit In The Life of The Christian
#34 - She Believes The Miracles of Bible Times Are No Longer Available
#35 - She Proclaims Salvation To Whosoever Will Accept
#36 - She Sets Forth The Bible Teaching On The Nature of Man
#37 - She Teaches The Biblical Doctrine of the Godhead
#38 - She Teaches The Future Punishment of the Wicked
#39 - She Practices The Priesthood of All Believers
#40 - Churches of Christ Reject The Empty Forms of Ritualism
#41 - She Teaches Men To Give To God and To Caesar
#42 - The Church Believes In A Virgin-Born Savior
#43 - She Preaches The Deity of Jesus
#44 - She Believes In An Inspired Bible
#45 - She Is Saved By The Blood of Jesus
#46 - She Contends That God's Kingdom Was Established On Pentecost, 33 A.D.
#47 - She Affirms Salvation By Faith, But Not By Faith Only
#48 - Christ's Church Is Essential To Salvation
#49 - In Her Faith and Practice No Tradition of Man Is Accepted As Binding
#50 - The Church Anxiously Awaits The Return of Jesus
#51 - She Teaches The Bodily Resurrection of the Just and the Unjust
#52 - She Proclaims Heaven For The Righteous and Hell For The Wicked
By special permission this material is reproduced on our website from the book published by Star Bibles entitled:
Introducing the Church of Christ
Copyright 1981
Star Bible Publications, Fort Worth, Texas 76182
*This booklet may be purchased from Star Bible Publications. You may call them at 1-800-433-7507 or visit their website at: Star Bibles for more information. It is also available in Spanish.
Note: This material is copyrighted (1981) by Star Bible Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 821220, Fort Worth, TX 76182 and is used with the express permission of Mr. Alvin Jennings, owner
Introducing the Church of Christ
Copyright 1981
Star Bible Publications, Fort Worth, Texas 76182
*This booklet may be purchased from Star Bible Publications. You may call them at 1-800-433-7507 or visit their website at: Star Bibles for more information. It is also available in Spanish.
Note: This material is copyrighted (1981) by Star Bible Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 821220, Fort Worth, TX 76182 and is used with the express permission of Mr. Alvin Jennings, owner