Daniel Chapter Ten
Daniel 10:1-9
TEXT: Dan 10:1-9
1 In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar; and the thing was true, even a great warfare: and he understood the thing, and had understanding of the vision.
2 In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three whole weeks.
3 I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine into my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.
4 And in the four and twentieth day of the first month, as I was by the side of the great river, which is Hiddekel,
5 I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, a man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with pure gold of Uphaz:
6 his body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as flaming torches, and his arms and his feet like unto burnished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.
7 And I, Daniel, alone saw the vision; for the men that were with me saw not the vision; but a great quaking fell upon them, and they fled to hide themselves.
8 So I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me; for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength.
9 Yet heard I the voice of his words; and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I fallen into a deep sleep on my face, with my face toward the ground,
a. Why was Daniel so upset by this vision?
b. Who was the “man” Daniel saw?
c. What does Daniel mean, “my comeliness was turned in me into corruption”?
PARAPHRASE (Daniel 10:1-9)
In the third year of the reign of Cyrus, king of Persia, Daniel (who had been named Belteshazzar by the Babylonians) had another vision. It was a vision but what was revealed would certainly come to pass in exact detail. This vision of future history concerned great suffering which was to come upon the people of God. Daniel’s understanding of this future history came to him by means of the vision given to him. In those days I, Daniel, continued in mourning for three full weeks. I ate none of the more pleasant foods; meat and wine did not cross my lips; I abstained completely from tending to the ease and comfort of my body and refrained from anointing myself until three full weeks were finished. And on the twenty-fourth day of Nisan (the first Jewish month), when I was standing beside the great Tigris River, I looked up and suddenly there before me stood a being in human form robed in pure white linen, with a wide belt of purest gold around his waist and his skin glowed like the Tarshish stone; from his face came blinding flashes like lightning, and his eyes glowed like flaming torches at night; his arms and feet glistened like polished brass, and his voice was like the roaring of a multitude of human voices or like the sea pounding the shore. But I, Daniel, alone saw this great vision; the men with men saw nothing; but they sensed that an unusual manifestation of some sort was taking place and they were suddenly filled with unreasoning terror and ran to hide, and I was left alone. When I saw this fearful vision my strength left me; and whatever appearance of health and strength I had left me. Then this being spoke to me, and I fell to the ground unconscious, face downward.
Dan 10:1-3 IN THE THIRD YEAR OF CYRUS KING OF PERSIA . . . Leupold makes an interesting observation: “The last three chapters of the book of Daniel contain the Last Revelation of Things to Come. Chapter ten is introductory; the body of this last revelation is found chiefly in chapter eleven; chapter twelve is a conclusion . . . There is hardly anything in the Bible that is just like these chapters, especially like chapter eleven. The word, the vision, and minute prediction are combined in a manner that is found nowhere else in the Scripture . . . Everything in chapter ten is preparatory to chapter eleven.”
The “Last Revelation of Things to Come” is the last revelation of things to come upon the O.T. covenant people. Daniel recounts, in chapter eleven, in detail, the final centuries of Israel’s history as it relates to the Ptolemies and the Seleucids. Chapter ten is an introduction to that prediction of history to come.
“In the third year of Cyrus . . .” indicates that Daniel did not return to Palestine with the first increment of returnees under Zerubbabel, but remained in Babylon. He was now an old man, and God had yet another revelation to give him on behalf of the covenant people. When God revealed such exciting things and such terrible things concerning the future, the prophet was inspired to mark such a momentous revelation in terms of definite time and circumstances. Here the day and the month of the year are marked when the prophet was given this terrifying vision. In order to understand the full significance of this entire revelation concerning the Ptolemies and Seleucids and other enemies (Samaritans) of God’s people in the ending era of the O.T. covenant, one must understand that already obstacles (in the third year of Cyrus) had been placed in the way of the first returnees to Palestine. The Samaritans had tried to persuade Cyrus that the Jews he allowed to return to Palestine were plotting treason against his rule. God tells Daniel that much more tribulation and persecution is to come upon the Jews in their restoration before the Messiah comes. The Jews, with carnal mindedness, took Daniel’s prophecies in stride, endured the tribulations, but were hoping in a Messiah who would come to avenge all that took place during the abominations of the Seleucids. But Daniel never predicted a carnally-oriented Messiah—he predicted One who would accomplish spiritual victories (Dan 9:24, etc.) and who Himself would be “cut-off” in the midst of the 70th week. Daniel intended to raise their hopes in God’s highest purpose in their lives—but they could not raise their vision above the worldly, so they applied the hopeful tone of Daniel’s prophecies to the carnal.
What Daniel saw was so unique he had to emphasize that “the thing was true.” The great “warfare” would be better translated the great “suffering.” The time of this suffering would be “great” or “long”—in fact it would last nearly 200 years; from the time of Alexander the Great and the division of his empire, to the revolt of the Maccabeans.
The fact that Daniel was able to understand this vision caused him great turmoil of spirit. He mourned three whole weeks. Daniel put his body under subjection to conform to his spiritual penitence and sorrow. This harmony of the outward man with the inner man is most conducive to sincere communication with God. Daniel denied himself all forms of food and drink as well as the customary anointing at this particular time of the year (Passover).
Dan 10:4-6 . . . BEHOLD, A MAN CLOTHED IN LINEN . . . On the 24th day of Nisan (the first month of the Jewish cal-endar) Daniel received this vision as he was beside the river Iigris (Hiddekel; cf. Gen 2:14). The Passover feast begins on the 14th day of Nisan, followed by 7 days of unleavened bread, A very appropriate time for Daniel to mourn the coming tribulation of his people.
The being who appeared to Daniel with the revelation of God was dressed in linen (symbolizing purity); girded with pure gold (symbolizing high station); his body was like a rare gem from Tarshish (berly) (symbolizing association with royalty); his face flashed with startling brilliance like lightning (symbolizing truth); his eyes flamed like torches burning in the night, (symbolizing judgment); his arms and feet glistened like polished brass (symbolizing power); his voice thundered like a roar of the mighty sea (symbolizing power also). This being appeared in the human form of man. Some have taken him to be a pre-incarnate appearance of the Lord Jesus because this man’s appearance and the Lord’s appearance in Rev 1:13-15 are so similar. We believe, however, that this man was one of God’s mighty angels—one on a par with other mighty angels like Michael. See our discussion of pre-incarnate appearances of the Lord Jesus on Dan 3:24-25. See also the Special Study on Angels at the end of this chapter.
Dan 10:7-9 . . . AND THERE REMAINED NO STRENGTH IN ME . . . Why his companions could not see the vision we are at a loss to explain. Perhaps it was because of their limited spiritual attainments—more likely it was simply because the Divine being restricted by his own choice and ability his appearance to Daniel only, for Divine reasons. They participated in the event enough to realize the manifestation was supernatural and enough to cause them to quake with fear and flee to hide from omnipotence. A parallel to this is Paul and his companions on the road to Damascus (Act 9:3 ff).
Daniel was severely affected by what he saw. Any sinner would be so affected, were he to come into contact with a holy being who had come from the presence of the Holiest of Holies. Many saints, both in the O.T. and N.T., expected sudden death when such a manifestation came to them. Such an appearance is not to be taken lightly. The directness of this revelation literally drained every bit of physical strength from Daniel. ‘The prophet had to be resuscitated frequently to survive this experience. “Whatever appearance of health and strength Daniel had disappeared. All the color left his face and when he heard the voice booming forth he fell flat on his face on the ground.
It would be well for those who treat visions from the Lord and visits from angels lightly, claiming many such visions indiscriminately, to note how severely even a saint like Daniel was affected. Some who have claimed such visions speak of them as if they were almost natural, everyday occurrences with no particular effects such as Daniel had. And it may be for this very purpose God moved Daniel to record what seems insignificant details to his own person—the absolute frailty of man in ‘the presence of the holiness and the greatness of God. Isaiah knew it
(Isa 6:1-13); Jeremiah knew it (Jer 1:4-19); time would fail to speak of those who knew such prostrate uncleanness when faced with the absolute holiness of God—Moses, Jacob, Paul, John, Peter, etc.
1. Why mention the “third year of Cyrus?”
2. What is the “warfare” Daniel saw in his vision?
3. What was the time of year Daniel mourned and saw his vision?
4. Why would the “man” Daniel saw not be the Lord Jesus?
5. What portion of N.T. scripture parallels this vision of the heavenly being?
6. How and why did the vision affect Daniel as it did?
7. Why do you suppose the Lord moved Daniel to record his reaction to the vision?
Daniel 10:10-14
TEXT: Dan 10:10-14
10 And, behold, a hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands.
11 And he said unto me, O Daniel, thou man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright; for unto thee am I now sent: and when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling.
12 Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel; for from the first day that thou didst set thy heart to understand, and to humble thyself before thy God, thy words were heard: and I am come for thy words’ sake.
13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days; but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me: and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
14 Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days; for the vision is yet for many days.
a. What power did the “being” exert to restore Daniel upright?
b. Who is “the prince of the kingdom of Persia?”
c. What are the “latter days?”
And behold this angelic being touched me, rousing me and raising me up on my knees and my hands. And he said to me: Daniel, God has taken great delight in you, so give all your attention to the words I am telling you, for God has sent me to you. So I stood up still trembling with fear. Then he said to me, Do not be frightened, for from the very first day you humbled yourself and began to fast and pray, God heard your prayers, and I was sent here to give you God’s answer. However, I was detained for 21 days in coming to you by the mighty demon who overrules the kingdom of Persia. But Michael, one of God’s angels of the first order, came to assist me overcome this demon, and Michael left me there to continue my influence with the kings of Persia until I could safely get leave and come to you. Now I am here to tell you what will happen to your people, the Jews, in these latter days of the Mosaic covenant, but these latter days are yet a number of years away.
Dan 10:10-11 . . . A HAND TOUCHED ME . . . The hand of the divine stranger in some supernatural way imparted strength to Daniel who was lying unconscious, face down upon the ground, and roused Him and raised him up in a crawling position on his knees and the palms of his hands. “Greatly beloved” is literally, “God has taken great delight” in Daniel’s attitude. The “delight” of God being directed toward an individual demands a like response, so Daniel is exhorted to give attention and effort to understand the message the angel has to deliver from God. Next the angel assists Daniel to stand upright, though Daniel was still shaky with his recent unconsciousness.
Dan 10:12 . . . THY WORDS WERE HEARD . . . What a consolation to know that God hears those of humble and contrite heart—hears and is able to answer. When a man willingly arrives at the attitude Daniel had, God is more than willing to act on that man’s behalf to that man’s ultimate good. Such a man may not always understand the answer God gives or the method God uses to answer, but such a man will accept it in faith and trust.
Dan 10:13-14 . . . THE PRINCE OF THE KINGDOM OF PERSIA WITHSTOOD ME . . . These verses and
Dan 10:20-21 of this same chapter form some of the most interesting glimpses of all the Bible on angelology! Daniel’s prayer had been concerned with the relation of Persia to God’s people and the current slanderous attack upon them by the Samaritans, who seemed to have convinced the Persian court that the few Israelites who had been released to return to Palestine were planning sedition.
The angelic messenger had apparently been sent to forcibly overcome and remove the demonic spirit that was at work against the people of God in its influence upon the Persian monarch. It is intriguing to note that the heavenly helper does not exert his force against the Samaritans or even against the Persian monarch, but against “the prince of the kingdom of Persia.” We are afforded here a glimpse behind the scenes of world history to the realm of the supernatural and spiritual, where the unseen but real battle of the ages is transpiring. In the realm of observable history there is more than meets the eye. There are powers at work of which some people never have a conception. This is why Paul exhorts Christians to gird themselves with supernatural armor and arm themselves with supernatural weapons—for “we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Eph_6:10-20). This is the meaning of the second half of the book of Revelation (cf. More Than Conquerors, by Wm. Hendriksen). One should also consult such scriptures as Isa 24:21; Col 2:15; Heb 1:14; Heb 13:2 and our Special Study on Angels at the end of this chapter.
Who is this “prince of the kingdom of Persia?” Many have supposed him to be simply the Persian king, himself. But it is not in keeping with biblical teaching to suppose that one mortal king could have so successfully opposed an angel of God for a period of 21 days, if one angel was able to smite 185,000 Assyrians in one night! An angel-prince is the meaning. Demons in the N.T. are, without a doubt referred to here—they are called evil angels in the N.T. It appears that in the downward plunge away from truth and morality the Gentile nations, even as they chose to worship and seek the fellowship of demons (cf. Cor. Dan_10:20 ff), came under the powerful influence of Satanic angels. These demon-spirits became the controlling, deceiving, power of decadent, depraved men, and they used whatever powers they had to hamper God’s work and thwart His purposes. When Christ came He destroyed Satan’s power for all who will believe in Him and “bound” Satan to a much more restricted sphere of influence (cf. Heb 2:14-16; Col 2:15; Joh 12:31; Joh 16:11; Mat 12:29-30; Rev 20:1-3).
We get a rare glimpse behind the scenes of world history as it occurred then and even now. There are spiritual forces at work that are far in excess of what men who disregard divine revelation would suppose. They struggle behind the struggles that are written on the pages of history. They explain the Satanic evil that often comes to light under the things that appear on the surface. Since a particular “prince of the kingdom of Persia” is mentioned, it seems to be a valid conclusion that every godless, cruel, tyrannical nation is dominated by some such prince. Whether each evil angel may have but one nation as his domain, or whether there may be broader spheres of activity in. which the more powerful among them are active, we cannot decide on the limited information available in Scripture.
There are evidently ranks or orders among the angelic beings. Michael was “of the first order.” The name Michael means: “Who is like God?”
Evil angels had held the controlling position at the Persian court, They did not hold it, however, without the consent of the governed. That is, when men become so bereft of the truth willingly, that they have no love for the truth, but take pleasure in unrighteousness, God will send them a strong delusion, that they may believe a lie (cf. the state to which the Gentiles had fallen in Rom 1:18 ff). Therefore, it must have been the desire of the heart of Cyrus, and perhaps others of his kingdom, to know and be able to live the truth; so God sent His angel Michael to overthrow the rule of the evil angels in the minds and hearts of the Persian court.
It is interesting to note the harmonious cooperation between God’s angels in carrying out His work. One helps the other where help is needed. Here is an example of how “God’s will is done in heaven.” And the fact that certain of these angels of God are great and mighty does not cause any rivalry or opposition among them! What a blessing it would be if God’s will were done on earth as it is in heaven!
The angel “stood by the side or remained there with the kings of Persia.” After the present king shall have passed from the scene, the same angelic influence from God will remain with his successors. This should be especially comforting for the people of Daniel to know.
Leupold summarizes the teaching of this important passage thus: “The sum of the matter is this: There are powerful forces of evil at work in and through the nations and their rulers to defeat and to overthrow the people of God. This may alarm and cause terror when one considers how powerful these demon potentates are. On the other hand, there are still more powerful agents of good at work who, by harmonious cooperation, will prevail over their wicked opponents. So the cause of the kingdom is in good hands, and its success is assured.”
This is one of the great truths of the Bible not often taught in our day and among our people. Yet it sheds light on many a puzzling situation in the course of historical developments and would help God’s children to keep a balanced judgment as well as a sure hope in today’s mad world.
The latter days referred to in Dan 10:14 can be none other than the last days of the O.T. dispensation (from the Persian era to the Roman occupation of Palestine). The certainty of this interpretation is established clearly by the context. In Dan 10:20 of this chapter the angel limits the “latter days” to the era covered by the empires of Persia and Greece. Chapter eleven amplifies that era by predicting in detail the machinations of the Seleucids and Ptolemies. The “latter days” referred to in this chapter, therefore, have nothing to do with the end of all time and the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. No one is to know that day or hour!
1. Why did the angel touch Daniel?
2. What makes Daniel’s attitude exemplary?
3. How does the sending of this angel fit in with the situation in the Persian court at that time?
4. How does his section of scripture give us a revelation of forces behind observable history?
5. Who is this “prince of the kingdom of Persia?”
6. What example do we have of God’s will being done in heaven?
7. Should we teach about angels and demons today? Why?
Daniel 10:15-21
TEXT: Dan_10:15-21
15 And when he had spoken unto me according to these words, I set my face toward the ground, and was dumb.
16 And, behold, one in the likeness of the sons of men touched my lips: then I opened my mouth, and spake and said unto him that stood before me, O my lord, by reason of the vision my sorrows are turned upon me, and I retain no strength.
17 For how can the servant of this my lord talk with this my lord? For as for me, straightway there remained no strength in me, neither was there breath left in me.
18 Then there touched me again one like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me.
19 And he said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong. And when he spake unto me, I was strengthened, and said, Let my lord speak; for thou hast strengthened me.
20 Then said he, knowest thou wherefore I am come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I go forth, lo, the prince of Greece shall come.
21 But I will tell thee that which is inscribed in the writing of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me against these, but Michael your prince.
a. Why does Daniel grow weak again?
b. Who is the prince of Greece?
c. What is the “writing of truth?”
PARAPHRASE (Daniel 10:15-21)
All this time I was looking down, being abased in the presence of deity, and unable to speak a word. Then the heavenly being—who looked like a man—touched my lips and I was able to begin speaking again. Then I said to the heavenly being, O my lord, this supernatural visit and your holiness has made me so aware of my unholiness, I haven’t even the strength left to stay in your presence. How can such a person as I even dare assume the same level of existence as you? I have no ability in me to even live in your presence, let alone converse with you. Then the same heavenly being touched me again and I felt a superhuman strength in me to sustain me in the presence of this holy one. And the angel said, O man, greatly loved and blessed, do not be afraid, for God’s peace is with you. Have the boldness and strength, therefore, which His grace supplies—be strong! And as he was speaking to me, I took courage and said, Then let my lord speak for I am ready now to receive God’s awful word. Then the angel said, Do you remember what I told you about my purpose for coming to you? Well, now, I will return to continue my conquest and rule over the demon-angel who influences the king of Persia; and after this I will have to conquer and rule the demon-angel who will be influencing the empire of Greece in order to fulfill God’s purpose with the covenant people. But before I go I will tell you what God has predicted in His history book, the only accurate “writing” of history on record, concerning the last era of history before the coming of the promised Messiah. Do not worry, even though only I and Michael, your prince-angel, are the only two angels protecting the covenant people in the troubled times to come; we shall be sufficient to carry out God’s purposes.
Daniel and the Ministering Spirit
Dan 10:15-17 . . . ONE IN THE LIKENESS OF THE SONS OF MEN TOUCHED MY LIPS . . . Daniel was still “dumb-founded.” Being in the presence of the divine being, he still found himself in abject abasement, unable to find words in human language to adequately express himself to this glorious one. The angel (undoubtedly the same angel as before) touched his lips (cf. Isaiah 6) and enabled him through divine assistance to find boldness to address supernaturalness. It was the unutterable awfulness of the glory of this angelic visitor that intensified Daniel’s human limitations. Daniel found there are groanings of the human spirit which have no adequate way of finding expression unless the Divine Spirit helps (cf. Rom 8:26). This divine appearance took Daniel’s breath away! How often we treat the things of glory lightly—we who are so familiar with divine things need to beware for they are not to be taken lightly. If the angels can strike such awe and abasement in sinful man, how much more we ought to be thankful for the gracious blood of Jesus which provides us with bold access to the majestic Throne of God!
Dan 10:18-19 . . . I WAS STRENGTHENED, AND SAID, LET MY LORD SPEAK . . . Daniel, the sinner, realized that there must exist enmity between him and the Holy God and so he was weak with fear. But the angel assured him of God’s peace. Daniel’s faith appropriated for him the grace of God and thus the message from the throne for Daniel was “peace, be strong, fear not.” This knowledge of being approved of and at peace with God brings strength to the weakest sinner. This is the very essence of the message of the New Testament (especially those two great treatises, Romans and Hebrews).
Dan_10:20-21 . . . NOW I WILL RETURN TO FIGHT THE PRINCE OF PERSIA . . . THE PRINCE OF GREECE . . . The angel’s question is rhetorical, “Do you remember what I told you about my purpose for coming to you?” The angel expects Daniel to remember some of what he had been told earlier. Daniel should remember that the angel had been sent to overcome the evil-angel who was being allowed to influence the decisions and actions of the rulers of Persia. God’s angel had overcome this evil-spirit and now announces that he is about to return and continue such overruling. Evidently God’s angelic helper to Persia will not go unchallenged, but he will have to continue in the spiritual struggle (in the realm of the unseen spiritual world) just so long as God deems it necessary to fulfill His work with the covenant people in preparing them to bring forth the Messiah.
As soon as the one conflict ends with Persia, the angel will be engaged in the same sort of conflict with another demon-angel sent from hell to attempt to thwart God’s plans by influencing the rulers of Greece. If God’s angel were not there, demon influence might well meet with success. So Daniel is apprized of some of the undercover movements in history and also of the type of checking that God employs to keep them within proper bounds. One of the interesting revelations of such angelic help for God’s people when God deems necessary is found in 2Ki 6:14-19, where Elisha’s servant had his eyes “opened” and was enable to see mountain “. . . full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.” “Fear not; for they that are with us are more than they that are with them.” The same God is alive today and He can, if He wishes, and will, if necessary, provide a great host of heavenly beings to minister to those who inherit salvation (cf. Heb 1:14).
The “writing of truth” is a phrase to inform Daniel that the history which is about to be revealed (chapter 11) contains events of which God’s wisdom alone bears record, and, as always, infallibly accurate. In other books of prophecy, future history which God is prepared to unfold before the eyes of man is represented by a scroll (cf. Ezekiel and Revelation). And one need only compare Daniel 11 with profane history to realize that God knows with infinite accuracy and in minute detail what is to come to pass before it ever passes through the mind of man! (cf. Deuteronomy 32; Deuteronomy 34; Rev 5:1; Psa 139:16).
1. What would be a good description of Daniel’s attitude even after the angel had set him upon his feet?
2. What should be our attitude toward things divine?
3. How was Daniel strengthened?
4. Why did the angel have to be prepared to fight against the “prince of Greece?”
5. Is there a warfare in the unseen realm of the spirit-world?
6. May we expect God to use angels to help Christians today? How?
7. What is the “writing of truth?”
TEXT: Dan 10:1-9
1 In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar; and the thing was true, even a great warfare: and he understood the thing, and had understanding of the vision.
2 In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three whole weeks.
3 I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine into my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.
4 And in the four and twentieth day of the first month, as I was by the side of the great river, which is Hiddekel,
5 I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, a man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with pure gold of Uphaz:
6 his body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as flaming torches, and his arms and his feet like unto burnished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.
7 And I, Daniel, alone saw the vision; for the men that were with me saw not the vision; but a great quaking fell upon them, and they fled to hide themselves.
8 So I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me; for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength.
9 Yet heard I the voice of his words; and when I heard the voice of his words, then was I fallen into a deep sleep on my face, with my face toward the ground,
a. Why was Daniel so upset by this vision?
b. Who was the “man” Daniel saw?
c. What does Daniel mean, “my comeliness was turned in me into corruption”?
PARAPHRASE (Daniel 10:1-9)
In the third year of the reign of Cyrus, king of Persia, Daniel (who had been named Belteshazzar by the Babylonians) had another vision. It was a vision but what was revealed would certainly come to pass in exact detail. This vision of future history concerned great suffering which was to come upon the people of God. Daniel’s understanding of this future history came to him by means of the vision given to him. In those days I, Daniel, continued in mourning for three full weeks. I ate none of the more pleasant foods; meat and wine did not cross my lips; I abstained completely from tending to the ease and comfort of my body and refrained from anointing myself until three full weeks were finished. And on the twenty-fourth day of Nisan (the first Jewish month), when I was standing beside the great Tigris River, I looked up and suddenly there before me stood a being in human form robed in pure white linen, with a wide belt of purest gold around his waist and his skin glowed like the Tarshish stone; from his face came blinding flashes like lightning, and his eyes glowed like flaming torches at night; his arms and feet glistened like polished brass, and his voice was like the roaring of a multitude of human voices or like the sea pounding the shore. But I, Daniel, alone saw this great vision; the men with men saw nothing; but they sensed that an unusual manifestation of some sort was taking place and they were suddenly filled with unreasoning terror and ran to hide, and I was left alone. When I saw this fearful vision my strength left me; and whatever appearance of health and strength I had left me. Then this being spoke to me, and I fell to the ground unconscious, face downward.
Dan 10:1-3 IN THE THIRD YEAR OF CYRUS KING OF PERSIA . . . Leupold makes an interesting observation: “The last three chapters of the book of Daniel contain the Last Revelation of Things to Come. Chapter ten is introductory; the body of this last revelation is found chiefly in chapter eleven; chapter twelve is a conclusion . . . There is hardly anything in the Bible that is just like these chapters, especially like chapter eleven. The word, the vision, and minute prediction are combined in a manner that is found nowhere else in the Scripture . . . Everything in chapter ten is preparatory to chapter eleven.”
The “Last Revelation of Things to Come” is the last revelation of things to come upon the O.T. covenant people. Daniel recounts, in chapter eleven, in detail, the final centuries of Israel’s history as it relates to the Ptolemies and the Seleucids. Chapter ten is an introduction to that prediction of history to come.
“In the third year of Cyrus . . .” indicates that Daniel did not return to Palestine with the first increment of returnees under Zerubbabel, but remained in Babylon. He was now an old man, and God had yet another revelation to give him on behalf of the covenant people. When God revealed such exciting things and such terrible things concerning the future, the prophet was inspired to mark such a momentous revelation in terms of definite time and circumstances. Here the day and the month of the year are marked when the prophet was given this terrifying vision. In order to understand the full significance of this entire revelation concerning the Ptolemies and Seleucids and other enemies (Samaritans) of God’s people in the ending era of the O.T. covenant, one must understand that already obstacles (in the third year of Cyrus) had been placed in the way of the first returnees to Palestine. The Samaritans had tried to persuade Cyrus that the Jews he allowed to return to Palestine were plotting treason against his rule. God tells Daniel that much more tribulation and persecution is to come upon the Jews in their restoration before the Messiah comes. The Jews, with carnal mindedness, took Daniel’s prophecies in stride, endured the tribulations, but were hoping in a Messiah who would come to avenge all that took place during the abominations of the Seleucids. But Daniel never predicted a carnally-oriented Messiah—he predicted One who would accomplish spiritual victories (Dan 9:24, etc.) and who Himself would be “cut-off” in the midst of the 70th week. Daniel intended to raise their hopes in God’s highest purpose in their lives—but they could not raise their vision above the worldly, so they applied the hopeful tone of Daniel’s prophecies to the carnal.
What Daniel saw was so unique he had to emphasize that “the thing was true.” The great “warfare” would be better translated the great “suffering.” The time of this suffering would be “great” or “long”—in fact it would last nearly 200 years; from the time of Alexander the Great and the division of his empire, to the revolt of the Maccabeans.
The fact that Daniel was able to understand this vision caused him great turmoil of spirit. He mourned three whole weeks. Daniel put his body under subjection to conform to his spiritual penitence and sorrow. This harmony of the outward man with the inner man is most conducive to sincere communication with God. Daniel denied himself all forms of food and drink as well as the customary anointing at this particular time of the year (Passover).
Dan 10:4-6 . . . BEHOLD, A MAN CLOTHED IN LINEN . . . On the 24th day of Nisan (the first month of the Jewish cal-endar) Daniel received this vision as he was beside the river Iigris (Hiddekel; cf. Gen 2:14). The Passover feast begins on the 14th day of Nisan, followed by 7 days of unleavened bread, A very appropriate time for Daniel to mourn the coming tribulation of his people.
The being who appeared to Daniel with the revelation of God was dressed in linen (symbolizing purity); girded with pure gold (symbolizing high station); his body was like a rare gem from Tarshish (berly) (symbolizing association with royalty); his face flashed with startling brilliance like lightning (symbolizing truth); his eyes flamed like torches burning in the night, (symbolizing judgment); his arms and feet glistened like polished brass (symbolizing power); his voice thundered like a roar of the mighty sea (symbolizing power also). This being appeared in the human form of man. Some have taken him to be a pre-incarnate appearance of the Lord Jesus because this man’s appearance and the Lord’s appearance in Rev 1:13-15 are so similar. We believe, however, that this man was one of God’s mighty angels—one on a par with other mighty angels like Michael. See our discussion of pre-incarnate appearances of the Lord Jesus on Dan 3:24-25. See also the Special Study on Angels at the end of this chapter.
Dan 10:7-9 . . . AND THERE REMAINED NO STRENGTH IN ME . . . Why his companions could not see the vision we are at a loss to explain. Perhaps it was because of their limited spiritual attainments—more likely it was simply because the Divine being restricted by his own choice and ability his appearance to Daniel only, for Divine reasons. They participated in the event enough to realize the manifestation was supernatural and enough to cause them to quake with fear and flee to hide from omnipotence. A parallel to this is Paul and his companions on the road to Damascus (Act 9:3 ff).
Daniel was severely affected by what he saw. Any sinner would be so affected, were he to come into contact with a holy being who had come from the presence of the Holiest of Holies. Many saints, both in the O.T. and N.T., expected sudden death when such a manifestation came to them. Such an appearance is not to be taken lightly. The directness of this revelation literally drained every bit of physical strength from Daniel. ‘The prophet had to be resuscitated frequently to survive this experience. “Whatever appearance of health and strength Daniel had disappeared. All the color left his face and when he heard the voice booming forth he fell flat on his face on the ground.
It would be well for those who treat visions from the Lord and visits from angels lightly, claiming many such visions indiscriminately, to note how severely even a saint like Daniel was affected. Some who have claimed such visions speak of them as if they were almost natural, everyday occurrences with no particular effects such as Daniel had. And it may be for this very purpose God moved Daniel to record what seems insignificant details to his own person—the absolute frailty of man in ‘the presence of the holiness and the greatness of God. Isaiah knew it
(Isa 6:1-13); Jeremiah knew it (Jer 1:4-19); time would fail to speak of those who knew such prostrate uncleanness when faced with the absolute holiness of God—Moses, Jacob, Paul, John, Peter, etc.
1. Why mention the “third year of Cyrus?”
2. What is the “warfare” Daniel saw in his vision?
3. What was the time of year Daniel mourned and saw his vision?
4. Why would the “man” Daniel saw not be the Lord Jesus?
5. What portion of N.T. scripture parallels this vision of the heavenly being?
6. How and why did the vision affect Daniel as it did?
7. Why do you suppose the Lord moved Daniel to record his reaction to the vision?
Daniel 10:10-14
TEXT: Dan 10:10-14
10 And, behold, a hand touched me, which set me upon my knees and upon the palms of my hands.
11 And he said unto me, O Daniel, thou man greatly beloved, understand the words that I speak unto thee, and stand upright; for unto thee am I now sent: and when he had spoken this word unto me, I stood trembling.
12 Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel; for from the first day that thou didst set thy heart to understand, and to humble thyself before thy God, thy words were heard: and I am come for thy words’ sake.
13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days; but, lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me: and I remained there with the kings of Persia.
14 Now I am come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days; for the vision is yet for many days.
a. What power did the “being” exert to restore Daniel upright?
b. Who is “the prince of the kingdom of Persia?”
c. What are the “latter days?”
And behold this angelic being touched me, rousing me and raising me up on my knees and my hands. And he said to me: Daniel, God has taken great delight in you, so give all your attention to the words I am telling you, for God has sent me to you. So I stood up still trembling with fear. Then he said to me, Do not be frightened, for from the very first day you humbled yourself and began to fast and pray, God heard your prayers, and I was sent here to give you God’s answer. However, I was detained for 21 days in coming to you by the mighty demon who overrules the kingdom of Persia. But Michael, one of God’s angels of the first order, came to assist me overcome this demon, and Michael left me there to continue my influence with the kings of Persia until I could safely get leave and come to you. Now I am here to tell you what will happen to your people, the Jews, in these latter days of the Mosaic covenant, but these latter days are yet a number of years away.
Dan 10:10-11 . . . A HAND TOUCHED ME . . . The hand of the divine stranger in some supernatural way imparted strength to Daniel who was lying unconscious, face down upon the ground, and roused Him and raised him up in a crawling position on his knees and the palms of his hands. “Greatly beloved” is literally, “God has taken great delight” in Daniel’s attitude. The “delight” of God being directed toward an individual demands a like response, so Daniel is exhorted to give attention and effort to understand the message the angel has to deliver from God. Next the angel assists Daniel to stand upright, though Daniel was still shaky with his recent unconsciousness.
Dan 10:12 . . . THY WORDS WERE HEARD . . . What a consolation to know that God hears those of humble and contrite heart—hears and is able to answer. When a man willingly arrives at the attitude Daniel had, God is more than willing to act on that man’s behalf to that man’s ultimate good. Such a man may not always understand the answer God gives or the method God uses to answer, but such a man will accept it in faith and trust.
Dan 10:13-14 . . . THE PRINCE OF THE KINGDOM OF PERSIA WITHSTOOD ME . . . These verses and
Dan 10:20-21 of this same chapter form some of the most interesting glimpses of all the Bible on angelology! Daniel’s prayer had been concerned with the relation of Persia to God’s people and the current slanderous attack upon them by the Samaritans, who seemed to have convinced the Persian court that the few Israelites who had been released to return to Palestine were planning sedition.
The angelic messenger had apparently been sent to forcibly overcome and remove the demonic spirit that was at work against the people of God in its influence upon the Persian monarch. It is intriguing to note that the heavenly helper does not exert his force against the Samaritans or even against the Persian monarch, but against “the prince of the kingdom of Persia.” We are afforded here a glimpse behind the scenes of world history to the realm of the supernatural and spiritual, where the unseen but real battle of the ages is transpiring. In the realm of observable history there is more than meets the eye. There are powers at work of which some people never have a conception. This is why Paul exhorts Christians to gird themselves with supernatural armor and arm themselves with supernatural weapons—for “we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Eph_6:10-20). This is the meaning of the second half of the book of Revelation (cf. More Than Conquerors, by Wm. Hendriksen). One should also consult such scriptures as Isa 24:21; Col 2:15; Heb 1:14; Heb 13:2 and our Special Study on Angels at the end of this chapter.
Who is this “prince of the kingdom of Persia?” Many have supposed him to be simply the Persian king, himself. But it is not in keeping with biblical teaching to suppose that one mortal king could have so successfully opposed an angel of God for a period of 21 days, if one angel was able to smite 185,000 Assyrians in one night! An angel-prince is the meaning. Demons in the N.T. are, without a doubt referred to here—they are called evil angels in the N.T. It appears that in the downward plunge away from truth and morality the Gentile nations, even as they chose to worship and seek the fellowship of demons (cf. Cor. Dan_10:20 ff), came under the powerful influence of Satanic angels. These demon-spirits became the controlling, deceiving, power of decadent, depraved men, and they used whatever powers they had to hamper God’s work and thwart His purposes. When Christ came He destroyed Satan’s power for all who will believe in Him and “bound” Satan to a much more restricted sphere of influence (cf. Heb 2:14-16; Col 2:15; Joh 12:31; Joh 16:11; Mat 12:29-30; Rev 20:1-3).
We get a rare glimpse behind the scenes of world history as it occurred then and even now. There are spiritual forces at work that are far in excess of what men who disregard divine revelation would suppose. They struggle behind the struggles that are written on the pages of history. They explain the Satanic evil that often comes to light under the things that appear on the surface. Since a particular “prince of the kingdom of Persia” is mentioned, it seems to be a valid conclusion that every godless, cruel, tyrannical nation is dominated by some such prince. Whether each evil angel may have but one nation as his domain, or whether there may be broader spheres of activity in. which the more powerful among them are active, we cannot decide on the limited information available in Scripture.
There are evidently ranks or orders among the angelic beings. Michael was “of the first order.” The name Michael means: “Who is like God?”
Evil angels had held the controlling position at the Persian court, They did not hold it, however, without the consent of the governed. That is, when men become so bereft of the truth willingly, that they have no love for the truth, but take pleasure in unrighteousness, God will send them a strong delusion, that they may believe a lie (cf. the state to which the Gentiles had fallen in Rom 1:18 ff). Therefore, it must have been the desire of the heart of Cyrus, and perhaps others of his kingdom, to know and be able to live the truth; so God sent His angel Michael to overthrow the rule of the evil angels in the minds and hearts of the Persian court.
It is interesting to note the harmonious cooperation between God’s angels in carrying out His work. One helps the other where help is needed. Here is an example of how “God’s will is done in heaven.” And the fact that certain of these angels of God are great and mighty does not cause any rivalry or opposition among them! What a blessing it would be if God’s will were done on earth as it is in heaven!
The angel “stood by the side or remained there with the kings of Persia.” After the present king shall have passed from the scene, the same angelic influence from God will remain with his successors. This should be especially comforting for the people of Daniel to know.
Leupold summarizes the teaching of this important passage thus: “The sum of the matter is this: There are powerful forces of evil at work in and through the nations and their rulers to defeat and to overthrow the people of God. This may alarm and cause terror when one considers how powerful these demon potentates are. On the other hand, there are still more powerful agents of good at work who, by harmonious cooperation, will prevail over their wicked opponents. So the cause of the kingdom is in good hands, and its success is assured.”
This is one of the great truths of the Bible not often taught in our day and among our people. Yet it sheds light on many a puzzling situation in the course of historical developments and would help God’s children to keep a balanced judgment as well as a sure hope in today’s mad world.
The latter days referred to in Dan 10:14 can be none other than the last days of the O.T. dispensation (from the Persian era to the Roman occupation of Palestine). The certainty of this interpretation is established clearly by the context. In Dan 10:20 of this chapter the angel limits the “latter days” to the era covered by the empires of Persia and Greece. Chapter eleven amplifies that era by predicting in detail the machinations of the Seleucids and Ptolemies. The “latter days” referred to in this chapter, therefore, have nothing to do with the end of all time and the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. No one is to know that day or hour!
1. Why did the angel touch Daniel?
2. What makes Daniel’s attitude exemplary?
3. How does the sending of this angel fit in with the situation in the Persian court at that time?
4. How does his section of scripture give us a revelation of forces behind observable history?
5. Who is this “prince of the kingdom of Persia?”
6. What example do we have of God’s will being done in heaven?
7. Should we teach about angels and demons today? Why?
Daniel 10:15-21
TEXT: Dan_10:15-21
15 And when he had spoken unto me according to these words, I set my face toward the ground, and was dumb.
16 And, behold, one in the likeness of the sons of men touched my lips: then I opened my mouth, and spake and said unto him that stood before me, O my lord, by reason of the vision my sorrows are turned upon me, and I retain no strength.
17 For how can the servant of this my lord talk with this my lord? For as for me, straightway there remained no strength in me, neither was there breath left in me.
18 Then there touched me again one like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me.
19 And he said, O man greatly beloved, fear not: peace be unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong. And when he spake unto me, I was strengthened, and said, Let my lord speak; for thou hast strengthened me.
20 Then said he, knowest thou wherefore I am come unto thee? and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I go forth, lo, the prince of Greece shall come.
21 But I will tell thee that which is inscribed in the writing of truth: and there is none that holdeth with me against these, but Michael your prince.
a. Why does Daniel grow weak again?
b. Who is the prince of Greece?
c. What is the “writing of truth?”
PARAPHRASE (Daniel 10:15-21)
All this time I was looking down, being abased in the presence of deity, and unable to speak a word. Then the heavenly being—who looked like a man—touched my lips and I was able to begin speaking again. Then I said to the heavenly being, O my lord, this supernatural visit and your holiness has made me so aware of my unholiness, I haven’t even the strength left to stay in your presence. How can such a person as I even dare assume the same level of existence as you? I have no ability in me to even live in your presence, let alone converse with you. Then the same heavenly being touched me again and I felt a superhuman strength in me to sustain me in the presence of this holy one. And the angel said, O man, greatly loved and blessed, do not be afraid, for God’s peace is with you. Have the boldness and strength, therefore, which His grace supplies—be strong! And as he was speaking to me, I took courage and said, Then let my lord speak for I am ready now to receive God’s awful word. Then the angel said, Do you remember what I told you about my purpose for coming to you? Well, now, I will return to continue my conquest and rule over the demon-angel who influences the king of Persia; and after this I will have to conquer and rule the demon-angel who will be influencing the empire of Greece in order to fulfill God’s purpose with the covenant people. But before I go I will tell you what God has predicted in His history book, the only accurate “writing” of history on record, concerning the last era of history before the coming of the promised Messiah. Do not worry, even though only I and Michael, your prince-angel, are the only two angels protecting the covenant people in the troubled times to come; we shall be sufficient to carry out God’s purposes.
Daniel and the Ministering Spirit
Dan 10:15-17 . . . ONE IN THE LIKENESS OF THE SONS OF MEN TOUCHED MY LIPS . . . Daniel was still “dumb-founded.” Being in the presence of the divine being, he still found himself in abject abasement, unable to find words in human language to adequately express himself to this glorious one. The angel (undoubtedly the same angel as before) touched his lips (cf. Isaiah 6) and enabled him through divine assistance to find boldness to address supernaturalness. It was the unutterable awfulness of the glory of this angelic visitor that intensified Daniel’s human limitations. Daniel found there are groanings of the human spirit which have no adequate way of finding expression unless the Divine Spirit helps (cf. Rom 8:26). This divine appearance took Daniel’s breath away! How often we treat the things of glory lightly—we who are so familiar with divine things need to beware for they are not to be taken lightly. If the angels can strike such awe and abasement in sinful man, how much more we ought to be thankful for the gracious blood of Jesus which provides us with bold access to the majestic Throne of God!
Dan 10:18-19 . . . I WAS STRENGTHENED, AND SAID, LET MY LORD SPEAK . . . Daniel, the sinner, realized that there must exist enmity between him and the Holy God and so he was weak with fear. But the angel assured him of God’s peace. Daniel’s faith appropriated for him the grace of God and thus the message from the throne for Daniel was “peace, be strong, fear not.” This knowledge of being approved of and at peace with God brings strength to the weakest sinner. This is the very essence of the message of the New Testament (especially those two great treatises, Romans and Hebrews).
Dan_10:20-21 . . . NOW I WILL RETURN TO FIGHT THE PRINCE OF PERSIA . . . THE PRINCE OF GREECE . . . The angel’s question is rhetorical, “Do you remember what I told you about my purpose for coming to you?” The angel expects Daniel to remember some of what he had been told earlier. Daniel should remember that the angel had been sent to overcome the evil-angel who was being allowed to influence the decisions and actions of the rulers of Persia. God’s angel had overcome this evil-spirit and now announces that he is about to return and continue such overruling. Evidently God’s angelic helper to Persia will not go unchallenged, but he will have to continue in the spiritual struggle (in the realm of the unseen spiritual world) just so long as God deems it necessary to fulfill His work with the covenant people in preparing them to bring forth the Messiah.
As soon as the one conflict ends with Persia, the angel will be engaged in the same sort of conflict with another demon-angel sent from hell to attempt to thwart God’s plans by influencing the rulers of Greece. If God’s angel were not there, demon influence might well meet with success. So Daniel is apprized of some of the undercover movements in history and also of the type of checking that God employs to keep them within proper bounds. One of the interesting revelations of such angelic help for God’s people when God deems necessary is found in 2Ki 6:14-19, where Elisha’s servant had his eyes “opened” and was enable to see mountain “. . . full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.” “Fear not; for they that are with us are more than they that are with them.” The same God is alive today and He can, if He wishes, and will, if necessary, provide a great host of heavenly beings to minister to those who inherit salvation (cf. Heb 1:14).
The “writing of truth” is a phrase to inform Daniel that the history which is about to be revealed (chapter 11) contains events of which God’s wisdom alone bears record, and, as always, infallibly accurate. In other books of prophecy, future history which God is prepared to unfold before the eyes of man is represented by a scroll (cf. Ezekiel and Revelation). And one need only compare Daniel 11 with profane history to realize that God knows with infinite accuracy and in minute detail what is to come to pass before it ever passes through the mind of man! (cf. Deuteronomy 32; Deuteronomy 34; Rev 5:1; Psa 139:16).
1. What would be a good description of Daniel’s attitude even after the angel had set him upon his feet?
2. What should be our attitude toward things divine?
3. How was Daniel strengthened?
4. Why did the angel have to be prepared to fight against the “prince of Greece?”
5. Is there a warfare in the unseen realm of the spirit-world?
6. May we expect God to use angels to help Christians today? How?
7. What is the “writing of truth?”